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News & Promotions
New Tools For Glaucoma at UAB
June 14, 2000

New imaging tools that help detect changes in the progression of glaucoma are the centerpiece of UAB’s (University of Alabama at Birmingham) Optic Nerve and Retinal Imaging Center, housed at the Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital. The new equipment can detect subtle changes in the eyes of glaucoma patients as many as five years before standard diagnostic techniques, allowing ophthalmologists to move more quickly with aggressive treatment for the disease.

Adolescents Better Equipped to Fight HIV

UAB in Arizona

WOW! One Adventure Ends, Two More Prepare To Begin

New Therapy for Head/Neck Cancer

Racial Disparities Found in Heart Treatment

New Study Suggests an Explanation for Heart Pain in Women
UAB study looks at an explanation for heart pain in women

Racial Differences in Infant Mortality Rate
UAB study looks at racial differences in infant mortality rate

Restoring Proper Heartbeat
UAB study looks at ways to restore proper heartbeat

Tricky Vaccine
Research on myasthenia gravis vaccine

UAB Efforts Improve
Public Health Around the Globe

UAB will help train healthcare professionals in China, India and Russia.

UAB Health System

UAB Magazine

UAB Insight

UAB Synopsis

ehealth Online - Spring 2000

Generations Women's Newsletter

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