Questions and Answers

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Question from Jo Lynn Orr3/4/2004 2:39:37 PM

What type of environmental research are you conducting while in Antarctica and what will you be doing with the results of that research? Thanks!

Answered by Chuck Amsler on 3/4/2004 2:39:37 PM

Wow! That is a big question. For specifics, stay tuned on this site for the rest of the season as we'll be talking about our research and its goals throughout. For a preview, if you have access to back issues of the UAB Magazine or UAB Arts & Sciences Magazine (accessible via the "publications" link on the left column of the UAB home page), they have run several beautiful articles on our work in the past. In brief, most of our research is what one would term "ecological" in that we are focusing on the natural interactions between organisms in the marine communities we study. "Environmental" often (but not always) has a human-impact component. This year we are putting a great deal of effort into an experiment that will test how human-induced reduction in ozone over Antarctica (the "ozone hole") might be changing seaweed defensive chemistry. That in turn could make plants relatively less palatable to some herbivores but not others and so have community-wide effects by changing feeding patterns. Anne is talking about those experiments (the "substrate experiment") in her journal.

Question from Josh Plourde3/4/2004 2:51:32 PM

What are your favorite marine animals or plants that you might see during a dive?

Answered by Kevin Peters on 3/4/2004 2:51:32 PM

My favorite animals would be the nudibranchs, also called sea slugs. They are often very colorful and have small extensions off of their body that make them very beautiful. My favorite plant would be Desmarestia menziesii or Demarestia anceps. The reason is that these are often found at areas of my safety stop and I know that if I need to stay in one spot, I can usually hold on to one of these and it will be an anchor for me. Thanks for the question.

Question from Reese Hovater3/5/2004 11:54:28 AM

Do you see any big icebergs around Palmer Station? If so, do you see any animals like penguins or seals on them?

Answered by Chuck Amsler on 3/5/2004 11:54:28 AM

Reese, we certainly do see big iceburgs around the station. Some years more than others. Last year a big, unusually blue berg (a lot of the glacial ice is blue although it doesn't photograph well) was grounded not far off the season for well over a month (maybe more than two) and lots of others were around all season long. This year there have been far fewer although we have seen some huge ones that must be 100s of feet tall off in the distance. It is not uncommon to see penguins on the icebergs although usually on ones that have cracked and rolled around a lot. They have more "platforms" on them for the birds to get up on. I don't recall ever seeing a seal on a berg, but they are very common on ice flows (smaller, flat pieces of ice that aren't nearly as high).

Question from Jayde Moore3/9/2004 10:30:56 AM

Is there a time difference between Birmingham and Palmer Station?

Answered by Chuck Amsler on 3/9/2004 10:30:56 AM

Jayde -- Yes, but it is only 3 hours and will get less soon. We use the same time as Chile. Right now, that is three hours ahead of Birmingham (is I type it is just after 1:30 PM here but 10:30 AM in Birmingham). But this coming Sunday, Chile will go off of daylight savings time. So we will only be two hours ahead of Birmingham. Then, next month when the US goes on daylight savings time, the difference will only be a single hour (it will be the same time as the eastern time zone in the US). Thanks for writing!

Question from Steve Peters (Kevin's Dad)3/9/2004 8:34:48 PM

Hi KJ:
From our discussions I know Antarctica is still very pristine, and many of the world's countries have agreed to keep it that way.
Are there any rules about discharging smoke and/or fumes from combustion into the air of Antarctica?
If not at Palmer Station, are there any such rules at other Antarctic stations?

Answered by Kevin Peters on 3/9/2004 8:34:49 PM

Dad, the exact rules and regulations for that are hard to come by. The Antarctic Treaty (which was signed by all the countries that currently have work ongoing in Antarctica) is the final governing legislation for all actions down here. The idea is to keep this environment as close to how it was when we got here. I know that the United States takes great care to do its best and set an excellent example for the other countries to follow. I am sorry I cannot give you a more definite answer. Thank you for the question and sorry it took so long to even get this answer, but I wanted to ask as many people as possible before I replied.

Question from Victor Gomez3/10/2004 1:41:02 PM

Are you seeing many penguins or leopard seals near Palmer Station? Do you see any when you look out the windows of the buildings?

Answered by Chuck Amsler on 3/10/2004 1:41:02 PM

Hi Victor -- We certainly do see penguins regularly. In fact, I just walked by a gentoo penguin a few minutes ago when walking between buildings. We see penguins a lot when we are out in the boats. From my window I rarely see leopard seals unless they are hauled out on a bit of ice taking a nap. If there is ice in the harbor as there was this morning, that is not uncommon although not something that we see most times. It so happened that there was a seal visible from my office window on a small flow when I came in this morning.

Question from Chance Watkins3/12/2004 11:46:29 AM

What do you do for fun outdoors?

Answered by Maggie Amsler on 3/12/2004 11:46:31 AM

Hi Chance! Although it is work, I have fun being outdoors when we are diving and/or boating to our dive site. When I am outdoors and not working, I like to ski on the glacier, hike around the station or visit the nearby islands to watch the wildlife. One year I brought orange golf balls and clubs so I could play snow golf on the glacier. This year I packed my bright green stunt kite to fly on (the many) windy days. I also like being outdoors at night to sleep under the stars or clouds in a bivy sack with my very warm and cozy sleeping bag. Thank you for your "fun" question.

Question from Ryan Buchanan3/17/2004 10:20:19 AM

My name is Ryan and I am in second grade. My class is learning about Antarctica. I would like to know how many penguins live in a penguin colony. Do different kinds of penguins live together?

Answered by Maggie Amsler on 3/17/2004 10:20:20 AM

Hi Ryan! I have been in a penguin rookery with an estimated 60,000 penguins. It was very noisy- not to mention smelly! There are reports of colonies exceeding 100,000 individuals. Penguins don't want to be lonely I guess. Generally such big colonies are made up of mostly the same kind of penguin. It is not uncommon though for several different species of penguins to share space in the same area. In pockets of one adelie colony I visited there were also smaller numbers of chinstrap, gentoos and even a few beet-red eyed macaroni penguins! Have a great time studying Antarctica- it is such a coooool place.

Question from stephi & Esther3/21/2004 8:02:23 PM

how did the gondwanaland split and how did they move

Answered by Chuck Amsler on 3/21/2004 8:02:26 PM

The so-called super-continents formed and split as the tectonic plates that form the Earth's crust drifted together and apart. My understanding is that it is heat gradients driving flow in the more liquid regions of the core beneath the crust that cause the movements.

Question from Claudi3/21/2004 8:04:31 PM

How does vegitation survive in

Answered by Chuck Amsler on 3/21/2004 8:04:31 PM

Claudi -- I'm guessing that the part of your question that got cut off was "winter." The short answer is that they store up "food" made by photosynthesis at other times of year that they can live on during winter. There is an advantage here in that it is so cold and metabolic rates are very low. And where we are here still does have some light during even the middle of the winter. So it is possible for the macroalgae and plants on land that aren't buried in snow to photosynthesize some too.

Question from Nety age 103/24/2004 4:40:30 AM

How many teeth do Adelie penguins have?

Answered by Chuck Amsler on 3/24/2004 4:40:30 AM

Nety - as usual for birds, penguins do not have teeth. Most birds swallow food whole. But, unlike many birds, penguins do have bristles on their tongues.

Question from Vicki Marion3/26/2004 10:13:41 AM

Hi guys and gals,

Go Blazers!!


Question from emily barltrop3/26/2004 2:11:02 PM

where do they get electricity from in antartica? how do they get places? where do they get their clothes from?

Answered by Chuck Amsler on 3/26/2004 2:11:02 PM

Emily -- We get our electricity from diesel generators which is how most if not all stations do. How people get around varies with the station. Here people primarily walk and use zodiac outboard motor boats. All our clothes come down with us although lots of folks here knit. Some years knitting has almost been an "obsession" on station.

Question from Ijeoma Okogbue3/29/2004 1:05:33 PM

Hi Drs. Amsler and McClintock, Maggie and everyone. Could you please explain how finding out more about the biochemical defenses of Antarctic plants and animals could reveal crucial clues about curing human diseases?

Answered by Chuck Amsler on 3/29/2004 1:05:35 PM

Ijeoma -- Great question. As you know, we are looking at the ecological activity of compounds produced by these organisms. A large percentage of pharmaceuticals are derived from just such compounds. When an organism makes a compound to defend itself against an ecologically relevant threat, that compound sometimes also has activity against things that threaten humans. Jim just wrote a great account of just such a possible case (his entry and your question passed by each other "in the ether").

Question from Renee Douglas3/30/2004 10:14:15 AM

Hello from Midland, Texas! My daughter (Merritt Douglas) is in the second grade and is writing a bird report on the Macaroni Penguin. We have researched extensively, but cannot find information on two topics required to be in the report: (1) the disposition of the Macaroni Penguin or (2) any contributions of the Macaroni Penguin. Any information you have would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Answered by Maggie Amsler on 3/30/2004 10:14:17 AM

Hi Renee. What a fun topic to have to report on! I have been in several penguin colonies where macaroni penguins were in the minority amongst either chinstraps or adelie penguins. Despite their distinctive appearance with the bright yellow head feathers and beet red eyes, they behaved just like any penguin: baying, squawking, waddling about. I would love to see macaroni chicks - even Heidi, the station's penguin expert has never seen their chicks. I asked Heidi to comment on your question regarding macaroni penguin contribution and she said their claim to fame in Antarctica is their colorful and cheery appearance.

Question from Sam DeGaris age 114/5/2004 5:13:08 AM

It gives good infomation, but I'm doing a board game on Antarctica and I need heaps of questions. But I really want to now how crevasses form? there such deep holes. How did they happen? How did it get there? How deep are they?

Answered by Chuck Amsler on 4/5/2004 5:13:09 AM

Sam - Crevasse formation is complex and I don't pretend to know a great deal about it. But in general terms, remember that glaciers are rivers of ice that flow over the ground. If the terrain beneath them is uneven, that can cause the ice to bend and crack, forming crevasses. When the glaciers reach the shore, pieces break off (the "calving" mentioned in some of the journal entries). That changes the forces on the ice behind the shore, also helping to form crevasses there. The deepest crevasses can be is about 60 meters (roughly 200 feet) because of physical properties of the ice.

Question from Reese Hovater4/8/2004 10:38:42 AM

Dr. McClintock, Has any really interesting happened around Palmer Station lately? My class and I are working on a list of ways you can avoid leopard seals. Look for our list soon.

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/8/2004 10:38:43 AM

Reese, Neat! I can't wait to see you list of ways to avoid leopard seals! We are busy here doing our marine research. Cheers, Jim

Question from Yousef4/13/2004 8:01:06 AM

I know Antarctica is called a desert because it gets less than 5 inches of precipitation a year, but do you get more around Palmer Station? Does it ever rain?

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/13/2004 8:01:07 AM

Yousef - Great to hear from you! You are correct that in general Antarctica is a desert. However, we happen to be living on the wettest part of the continent here on the Antarctic Peninsula. Your question is perfectly timed because as I type this it is snowing heavily outside. And yes, it also rains here! Right now, with the fall and winter approaching us, we are going to see more snow than rain. Hope you are having a great spring! Cheers from Antarctica. Jim

Question from Victor4/15/2004 9:57:28 AM

Dr. McClintock, What is the hardest thing for you to adjust to each time you go back to Antarctica? Do the long hours of daylight keep you awake at night?

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/15/2004 9:57:29 AM

Hi Victor - I guess the hardest adjustment is being so far from my family here. Even after 11 trips to Antarctica this is still difficult. Otherwise, keeping a good eating, execise and sleep schedule is very important. Here at Palmer Station on the Antarctic Peninsula we actually have more dark than light right now that the fall is well underway. So we don't have to worry about the light keeping us up at night. Cheers from Antarctica and thanks for sending me a question! Jim

Question from Jamie Bynes4/18/2004 3:53:31 AM

I was just wondering if you can tell me what the threats are to the Killer Whale and why, if there are any, do they occur? Thank you for your time!

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/18/2004 3:53:31 AM

Jamie, Thank you for your excellent question about Killer Whales. These beautiful whales are common in Antarctica and also occur in other regions of the world. Whale biologists believe that there are separate groups of Killer Whales, almost like different races in humans. Killer Whales are not hunted by humans in Antarctica. As they are top predators there are really no major predators that threaten them. So, perhaps the biggest threat to these whales would be the effects of global warming on their prey. If the warming of the poles causes changes in the availability of the penguins, seals, fish and krill that make up their diets, then this could have an indirect effect on the health of the Killer Whales populations. At this time I do not believe this has occurred, but it could represent a true threat in the future. Cheers from Antarctica! Jim

Question from HK Second Graders4/19/2004 11:33:17 AM

Dr. McClintock, We just read a funny book, Night Noises, by Mem Fox. It has interesting sound words like crinch, crunch, clatter, bang, and others. That got us wondering what kind of sounds you hear around Palmer Station that you might not hear in Birmingham. Are there any sounds that have awakened you at night or startled you during the day? Thank you for taking a break from your work to answer our question.

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/19/2004 11:33:17 AM

Dear Dee and students, Yes! Indeed, just yesterday I was sitting here working at my office desk overlooking the glacier and there was a loud WHACK!!! My first thought was that someone was outside my window and had tossed a snow ball my way (there has been a bit of that since the snowfall). But this turned out to be a large icicle that had broken free of the roof and fallen to smash into the window sill at the base of my window. Another Antarctic sounds is the daily CRACK of the glacier dropping tons of ice into the bay! The constant hum of the station generators that keep us warm and fed almost become routine. That is until one walks up behind the station and on to the glacier where there is not a whisper of noise, not even a smiggen of noise, unless the wind is whirling about. Yes, the wind here in Antarctica can be a WHOOOOOSH!!! And this morning when our zodiac boat was being circled by three Humpback whales there was a HISS HISS HISS as they spouted nearby and then a parting THWACK as their tails disappeared below the sea. So, the answer is yes... indeed... there are uniquely Antarctic sounds. Cheers, Jim

Question from Miss Caldwell's Third Grade Class4/22/2004 2:15:48 PM

Dear Dr. McClintock, Hello from our class! We were so excited to receive your response to our questions! Jordan, Cole, and Austin were especially proud to have their names mentioned! We all enjoyed looking at the leopard seal pictures! Wow, Dan got really close to take those pictures! We are glad to hear that all is well, and Jamie just got a big hug from Gabby. We are all loving on her all the time! Here goes our second round of questions. John wants see more pictures, but can't think of any more questions. Michael wants to know if you have seen anything that you had not seen on previous trips. Mary wants to know if the bird that threw up on you one time has done it again! She hopes not!! Jamie wants to know if any more leopard seals have been spotted since the beginning of the trip. We are excited to check again soon!! Take Care! Love, Miss Caldwell's Class

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/22/2004 2:15:48 PM

Hi Miss Caldwell and all your wonderful third grade students! I am so pleased you and the students enjoyed the answers I sent to their earlier questions. I am delighted that you have sent a second batch of questions. Here goes...first off tell John that I am going to send him some photos to enjoy along with his fellow students by way of a separate e-mail to you. You can also check our web site for new photos as well. Each time one of us posts a new journal entry (and this is about once a week for each of the five of us) there will be new pictures that accompany the entries. Michael, I have definately seen some new things on this trip! For example, two days ago when I was surrounded by three Humpback Whales swimming near our zodiac boat, I thought to myself, you know this is the first time I have ever seen Humpbacks in Antarctica! Mary, I have not run into a Sooty Albatross chick that wanted to throw up all over me. Thank goodness! And don't you worry, if I do, I will give it plenty of room! Jamie, (hi sweetie), we have seen one more leopard seal since the beginning of the trip, and this seal was not really interested in being a problem. He just cruised by and said hello! I sure do enjoy hearing from all of you and I am looking forward to hearing from the students who have yet to ask a question! Please tell Gabby that I appreciate her giving Jamie a big hug, and the same goes for all the rest of the students in the class that are doing such a great job of taking care of Jamie while her Dad is away. Cheers from Antarctica! Jim

Question from Nicole4/23/2004 1:50:47 PM

How many penguins have you seen around Palmer Station this season? Have you seen large groups anywhere? Are there still any penguin chicks?

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/23/2004 1:50:47 PM

Nicole, Nice to hear from you this windy Antarctic night! I just checked our weather room and the wind gauge says that the winds are gusting to over 50 miles per hour! But you didn't ask about was penguins... yes that was your question wasn't it! I am here this year in Antarctica a little late in the season to see lots of penguins. But this is still Antarctica, and even though the chicks have already left, there are still penguins to be seen. Why just a few days ago two Gentoo penguins waddled into the station to say hello. And the other day when we were being circled by three Humpback Whales in our little boat, I saw groups of Adelie penguins swimming by having a great time. We also saw some penguins off the bridge of the big ship that brought us here. When I return next January with my family there will be tons of penguins to be seen. January is summertime and the height of the pengin egg laying and hatching season. Islands nearby are covered with mommy and daddy penguins and their babies... making lots of noise and carrying on! It will be a penguin party! Cheers! Jim

Question from Reese4/23/2004 1:54:45 PM

Dr. McClintock, Have you ever taken your family to Antarctica? Do they want to go? What would you like to show them?

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/23/2004 1:54:45 PM

Reese, I bet Mrs. Helmers put you up to this question! The answer is that I have not yet had a chance to take my family to Antarctica... BUT... this is all about the change!!! This coming January my wife, Ferne, and my son and daughter, Luke and Jamie, will join me on a two-week cruise to the Antarctic Peninsula. I am very excited about showing them the wonderful landscapes and the wildlife that makes this place so very special. I hope we also get a chance to come here to Palmer Station so that they can see where I do my research. My guess is that Luke and Jamie will make a bit of history by being the first students from their grade school to visit Antarctica. I hope to get a photograph of them wearing their school shirts and standing amongst hundreds of penguins to present to their Principal when they return. That would be fun! Thanks for the great question. Cheers from "the ice". Jim

Question from 4/25/2004 8:01:27 AM

How do people get around where you are working in Antarctica?

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/25/2004 8:01:27 AM

Here are Palmer Station, Antarctica, there are few options when it comes to transportation. We use small rubber boats called zodiacs equipped with 40 horse power engines to access the small islands offshore for our marine biological studies. Otherwise we walk to get from building to building, or hike to the glacier for recreational purposes. There are no roads, no plane landing strip, no helicopters. It is nice in a way to be far away from the frenetic pace of freeways, planes, trains, indeed, all the different modes of transportation that we take for granted at home.

Question from Autumn4/26/2004 11:26:36 AM

Dr. McClintock, Have you ever found any injured animals in Antarctica? Would you or Doc Betty try to help an injured animal? I love animals and want to be a veterinarian when I grow up. Do you like animals?

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/26/2004 11:26:38 AM

Hi Auturm! Yes, I do share your love of animals. Perhaps that is a bit of why I am a marine biologist. We have not found any injured animals here, but you can bet that if we did Doc Betty would do all she could to ensure their recovery. I admire your goal of becoming a Veterinarian when you grow up! My daughter, Jamie, who is 10, is also an animal lover and talks about being a Veterinarian too! Cheers, Jim

Question from Rebecca Troy4/26/2004 11:45:25 AM

Where abouts in Antarctica do humans live? Where do they put waste? Does this put animals in danger?

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/26/2004 11:45:25 AM

Rebecca, Very few humans actually live in Antarctica on a long term basis. Most "visit", some for more extended periods of time than others. For example, in the US Antarctic Program those working at the stations are not allowed to stay for a period of more than about one year. Thye are then required to go home for at least six months before they can return to Antarctica. This is probably done to ensure that they get a chance to visit with family and have a healthy change of scene. Some of the other countries working in Antarctica allow their people longer stays. I believe that the British may allow their scientists and staff to remain up to two and a half years at a time. There are some Chileans and Argentineans that live on the Antarctic Peninsula in small "communities". There are children and a small school. Young married couples are encouraged to come to Antarctica to give birth to children, as this is a way of further claiming the land for their country. They believe strongly that parts of Antarctica belong to their country. Most countries working in Antarctica are very careful to recycle their waste, dispose of it effectively on site, or transport what they cannot process back to their own home countries. I cannot think of a situation where animals are put in danger by the waste generated by people in Antarctica. This is a very good thing! Thanks for asking such great questions. Cheers, Jim

Question from Rebecca Troy4/26/2004 12:30:44 PM

Are the numbers of animals decreasing- if so why?

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/26/2004 12:30:44 PM

Rebecca, If you are referring to the marine invertebrates that we are studying such as sponges, soft corals, sea stars, snails, etc., then the answer is that their numbers are not decreasing. If you meant the larger animals like whales, seals and penguins, then the answer in general is also negative. However, there are some animals whose numbers are decreasing in certain parts of Antarctica but increasing in others. For example, the numbers of Adelie Penguins here near Palmer Station are decreasing, but at the same time they are apparently increasing in the Ross Sea. The answer for this change may be related to global warming. With air temperatures warming here near Palmer Station the penguins are experiencing more and more snowfall (it snows more when the air is warmer and can hold more moisture). This in turns buries the females in snow when they are nesting and can cause mortality of the eggs. Interestingly, another sign of global warming may be increase in numbers of fur seals and elephant seals near Palmer Station, a pattern that seems to suggest they may be moving further south as the temperatures warm. Good question! Cheers from "the ice". Jim

Question from emily barltrop4/27/2004 11:26:11 AM

Where do people live in antarctica??

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/27/2004 11:26:11 AM

Emily, Thanks for the great question. People live in a variety of different locations around the Antarctic continent. In fact I believe there are about 30-40 different countries that maintain research stations here. Most of them are located on the Antarctic Peninsula below South America, but others are sprinkled around the continent, and as you know, therre are even a couple near the center of the continent or right at the south pole! Most people don't live in Antarctica for more than one or two years at a time. But live here they do! And what a marvelous way to learn all about the science of this fascinating environment. Cheers, Jim

Question from Jayde4/29/2004 11:26:46 AM

My class just read a book about dolphins. It made us wonder if there are any dolphins near Antarctica. Can they live in cold water like whales?

Answered by Jim McClintock on 4/29/2004 11:26:48 AM

Hi Jayde, Yes! There are indeed some dolphins in Antarctica. I know because on the way down here on we saw some swimming off the front of the ship one day. They were beautiful animals, colored black and white much like small killer whales. I believe there may be more species found in subantarctic waters than antarctic waters. So it looks like they can live in cold waters just like whales can. This is because they have a thick layer of fat under their skin that helps keep them warm and toasty. Cheers from "the ice"! Jim

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The researchers completed their expedition in May 2004. Feel free to search this site for their archived journals and responses to questions.
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