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August 25, 2017

Summit to educate primary care providers in Alabama on HIV and prevention

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hiv prescription padThe University of Alabama at Birmingham and several community-based organizations are hosting the HIV Prevention Summit on Friday, Sept. 29, from 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. at Birmingham’s B&A Warehouse for health care professionals to learn more about HIV prevention in primary care.

Attendees will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully introduce or enhance HIV-prevention services into their care frameworks to suit the needs of patients and clients from a wide variety of demographic and life experience backgrounds. 

The summit is geared toward physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, social workers, counselors, health educators and administrators. It will offer presentations on epidemiology of HIV, stigma in vulnerable populations, sexual health for adults and adolescents, sexually transmitted infection testing, HIV testing and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, along with other resources.

The UAB Center for AIDS Research recently announced a community partnership committed to ending the spread of AIDS by 2030, known as the Paris Declaration. This commitment will require efforts across the community, and this summit intends to prepare primary care professionals to join the efforts. The HIV Prevention Summit webpages and registration are hosted through the UAB CFAR website.