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July 25, 2018

UAB Medicine to launch use of Well-Being Index

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RS20973 david rogers 5 scrUAB Medicine has partnered with MedEd Solutions to offer the Well-Being Index—a brief online self-assessment that provides immediate, individualized feedback, including tools and local and national resources to address personal well-being. The assessment is completed online, and participants’ answers are anonymous and confidential.

The use of the Well-Being Index will launch Aug. 1. The WBI is a nine-question survey based upon validated research conducted by the Mayo Clinic. The purpose is to provide an estimate of participants’ current well-being levels and to provide useful resources accordingly. The WBI will initially launch to all faculty members in the School of Medicine, but plans are in place to expand its use to other groups within the school.

Participants can select how frequently they want to complete the assessment. “Engaged faculty are absolutely essential if we are to fulfill our mission and vision,” said UAB Medicine Chief Wellness Officer David Rogers, M.D., MHPE. “At the end of the day, it is critical that we care for each other and ourselves, and the WBI system is a tool that helps us to move in that direction.”