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April 21, 2017

Choosing UAB as an out-of-state student

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Dear Class of 2021,

Congrats on your acceptance to medical school! I remember receiving my acceptance e-mail from UAB and the immense excitement that it brought me.  Accompanying my enthusiasm, my acceptance to UAB also precipitated a difficult decision that I would need to make in the spring semester before graduation. I’m originally from Louisiana and had several medical school options there, but was also drawn to UAB for a variety of reasons. In particular, UAB’s reputation in several specialties and its immense research opportunities led me to ultimately decide upon attending UAB over in-state option. I have been extremely pleased with my choice and have enjoyed meeting new people and discovering a new southern city.

Admittedly, there were some challenges in deciding to attend medical school out of state. Socially, I did not know anyone else attending the school and was hesitant to reach out on the accepted-student Facebook page to try to find a roommate. However, upon arriving to UAB, I was happy to connect with my classmates: initially in my learning community, and secondarily throughout our entire class. While I was afraid that I would not be able to break into pre-established social groups from Alabama, Auburn and UAB undergrads, I found that everyone in medical school was more than welcoming to an outsider from Louisiana who attended Notre Dame. One of my favorite parts of our medical school is the genuine good nature and charm of our students. 

While the academics are certainly an adjustment for everyone, I felt that not being from Birmingham presented me with the opportunity to learn about a new city, its culture, and its people. Come August, you will be introduced to many of the intriguing paradoxes and idiosyncrasies of the Magic City. For example, ‘280’ is to be avoided at all cost. ‘Lakeview’ refers to an area that does not have any lakes. All the streets in downtown are numbered. There is a 1st Ave N, a 1st Ave S, and a 1st St, all of which are located reasonably close to one another for confusion. And finally, I learned why the Tide Roll as Elephants and why War Eagle invokes the image of a Tiger.

We are so excited that you will be joining us at UAB in the fall! Below you can read bios on a few of my classmates to give you an idea of the rich diversity of experience and perspective that will be in your class.  Cherish your final moments as an undergraduate student at your respective schools, and have a safe and happy summer. Please reach out with any questions!

Looking forward to meeting you,

Carter Boyd
Orientation Leader, Class of 2020