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All submissions requiring IACUC review are assigned for review as they are received. Most protocols are reviewed and approved via designated member review (DMR), which allows approval once all review concerns have been satisfactorily addressed. Final approval may require a full committee review (FCR) which occurs on the last Wednesday of each month.

Protocols are created, edited, submitted, and managed via the Integrated Research Administration Portal (IRAP). The Animal Use Request/Registration (AUR) form is used for all types of protocol submissions described below. Additional information about navigating an existing IACUC protocol in IRAP can be located here.

  • New Protocols

    All projects involving animal use as described below will require submission of an IACUC protocol for review and approval prior to beginning animal work. Please be aware that IACUC review takes time and protocols should be submitted as soon as possible. New protocol review average ~50 days from submission to approval, so please plan accordingly. Projects requiring an IACUC protocol include:

    • Use of vertebrate animals
    • Use of invertebrate animals housed in Animal Resource Program (ARP) space or having contact with vertebrate species
    • Subcontracted or collaborative work involving vertebrate animals at another institution
    • Fellowships or salary-support awards that require a project-specific approval for proposals involving vertebrate animal work

    Need Help?

    Create New: Creating a New Protocol Record   / Instructions
    Protocol Access    / Instructions
    Filling Out the eForm: Vertebrate Animal Use  / Instructions
    Filling Out the eForm: Invertebrate Animal Use / Instructions
    Filling Out the eForm: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) / Instructions

  • Third Year Renewal

    Every 3 years the IACUC is required to perform a review of any active/ongoing research protocols. A Renewal Reminder Notice is sent 8 weeks prior to protocol expiration, and a second reminder is sent 6 weeks prior to protocol expiration if a submission has not been received. Please remember that a protocol must be approved by the expiration date to avoid a lapse in approval. If the protocol lapses, all experimental procedures must stop until the review is complete and a new approval granted. Be sure to review the protocol form for any needed changes/updates (e.g. database searches) or new questions.

    Need Help?

    Adding Submissions to Existing Protocols  / Instructions

  • Modification of Approved Protocols

    Any changes in the IACUC protocol (e.g., procedures, husbandry, administered materials, or locations) must be approved by the IACUC prior to implementation. All changes must be made to the approved eForm. The requested changes must be summarized on the General Information form, described in the Procedure Overview, and details included in the appropriate sections of the Species form(s). Be sure to review the form as answers to some questions may populate additional questions later in the form.

    Need Help?

    Adding Submissions to Existing Protocols / Instructions

  • Fellowships, Training, and Salary Support Grants
    These grants do not use animals directly, but may require an IACUC approval that is specific to the grant award. If the described animal work is already approved under an existing protocol, the Documentation of IACUC Review menu option may be used in the AUR protocol form. If the described work is not part of an approved protocol, either an existing protocol must be modified or a new protocol must be written and submitted.
  • Personnel Amendments

    After the Initial protocol is approved, all changes to personnel working with animals must be made by submitting a Personnel Amendment. The Personnel form is separated from the AUR form for all submissions after the Initial approval to allow for simultaneous modification of the personnel and AUR.

    Need Help?

    Filling Out the the Personnel Form / Instructions

  • Response Submissions

    During the IACUC review of a protocol, you may need to respond to questions from the IACUC Office and/or IACUC review team. You must create a response submission to make the requested changes to the protocol form. The edited form must be accompanied by a Response Memo that includes a point-by-point response for each question or point raised.

    Need Help?

    Adding Attachments to the Protocol Form/ Instructions
    Response Submissions Form / Instructions

For additional assistance with IRAP and eForms visit the Lab Animal section of IRAP Training.