Displaying items by tag: school of medicine
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have an increased risk for shingles, but new research at UAB indicates that biologics – the newest RA medications – don’t worsen that risk.
The award recognizes exceptional faculty mentorship and demonstrates that UAB values the commitment to excellence in mentorship exhibited by its faculty.
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New study in European Heart Journal contradicts a recent study in the same publication, suggests evidence is lacking that digoxin increases mortality as atrial fibrillation treatment.
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More 150 girls from 40 schools in Jefferson and Shelby counties will come to UAB April 20, 2013 to learn about STEM fields.
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In an engineering feat, the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center installs a cyclotron unique to academic medical settings.
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Yogesh Dwivedi, Ph.D., will join UAB in August as a professor and director of translational neuroscience in the Mood Disorders Program.
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New marker predicts how resistant each patient’s brain cancer will be to chemotherapy.
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Strengths cited for UAB are the quality of training and mentoring and career development opportunities and networking.
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Study authors say manipulating hormonal signals could effectively counter age-related cognitive decline.
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Susan May Wiltrakis recorded two albums and performed for a national audience as a professional jazz singer before coming to medical school.
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