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November 18, 2020

Institutional Research Core Program adds new cores; creates major growth in program

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bertram Mike 350Michael Bertram, Ph.D., director of the Institutional Research Core ProgramThe Institutional Research Core Program (IRCP) recently selected five new cores to the institution-wide program. Each of the five cores were selected based on merit, out of 24 applicant cores, by the IRCP Oversight Committee. The IRCP growth to 15 supported total cores is a 36% increase in comparison to the previous year.

Selection and scoring of the 24 core applications was based on the following review criteria as judged by the IRCP Oversight Committee: importance of services to the UAB Research Mission, engagement in at least two UAB schools, current and potential use of cutting-edge technology, budget justification, UAB community engagement, and leadership and oversight.

Michael Bertram, Ph.D., director of the Institutional Research Core Program at UAB and professor in the Department of Cellular, Developmental and Integrative Biology, says that "The IRCP’s expansion to fifteen cores emphasizes two primary points. First is the recognition that there are a growing number of strategically important areas of research being conducted by the UAB faculty that need specialized infrastructure support through core facilities. Second, that there is a substantial, long-term commitment to providing access to specialized equipment and scientific expertise to the faculty of UAB through research cores. The IRCP’s impact will be evidenced by the success of UAB’s faculty in their research endeavors as they leverage the resources of the cores."

The IRCP Oversight Committee has representation from all the UAB schools, except the School of Education, the Faculty Senate, The Council of Center Directors, The Birmingham VA Hospital, and the Vice President of Research Office. 13 of the IRCP cores are directed by School of Medicine faculty.

The Institutional Research Core Program (IRCP) is pleased to announce the following research cores as part of the IRCP:

Institutional Research Core


Advanced Materials Characterization

Paul Baker, Ph.D.

Animal Behavioral Assessment

Craig Powell, M.D., Ph.D.

Biological Data Sciences

Liz Worthey, Ph.D.

Comprehensive Flow Cytometry

Troy Randall, Ph.D.

Comprehensive Genomics Core

Michael Crowley, Ph.D.

High Resolution Imaging Facility

Alexa Mattheyses, Ph.D.

Human Imaging

Andrew Smith, M.D., Ph.D.

Macromolecular Structure 

Champion Deivanayagam, Ph.D., and Terje Dokland, Ph.D.

Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics 

James Mobley, Ph.D.


Barbara Gower, Ph.D.

Microbiome Research 

Casey Morrow, Ph.D.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 

Will Placzek, Ph.D.

Preclinical Imaging 

Anna Sorace, Ph.D.

Research MRI 

Mark Bolding, Ph.D.

Transgenic & Genetically Engineered Models

Bob Kesterson, Ph.D.