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June 21, 2022

Scholarship created to honor legacy of longtime Huntsville pediatrician

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patrice knightSteffane Battle, M.D., remembers Patrice Knight, M.D., as a compassionate advocate for children, a patient teacher, and perhaps most importantly, a friend.

When Knight passed away in February 2022, Battle, now the regional chair of Pediatrics at the UAB Heersink School of Medicine Huntsville Regional Medical Campus, knew she wanted to find a way to honor Knight’s legacy of leadership in Huntsville.

“The Patrice L. Knight, M.D., Endowed Memorial Scholarship will support a medical student who embodies the spirit of Dr. Knight,” Battle said. “Our department seeks to give this gift to a student who is intelligent, has a thirst for knowledge and generous spirit, loves children and wants to serve their community.”

Knight retired from the Huntsville Regional Medical Campus in 2020 after 35 years of service as the campus’ regional chair of Pediatrics.

A graduate of Huntsville’s Butler High School and Auburn University, Knight pursued her lifelong dream of becoming a pediatrician by earning her medical degree from the Heersink School of Medicine in 1980 and completing her pediatrics residency at Children’s of Alabama and neonatal fellowship at UAB Hospital.

After finishing her training, Knight returned to Huntsville to work in the neonatal intensive care unit, practicing pediatric medicine and teaching medical and residents. She was the director for the North Alabama Perinatal Follow Thru Clinic, caring for thousands of preterm infants and children under five at risk for developmental delay. At the UAB Huntsville Regional Medical Campus, she served in myriad leadership positions including medical student Clerkship Director, residency coordinator, assistant dean for Student Affairs and Medical Education and ultimately regional chair in Pediatrics.

Knight was also an exceptional teacher who was recognized regularly by medical students and residents in their annual awards. The mission of the scholarship, Battle said, is to recognize and support medical students who embody Knight’s core values in medical education, community service and mentorship. 

Support the scholarship initiative honoring Knight’s legacy and memory by making a gift online at