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May 02, 2022

Student Insights – What should I do with the summer before med school?

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As the spring semester comes to a close, many of you may be considering how to best spend your time this summer. To provide some insight, our student co-contributors asked their fellow classmates to reflect back on how they spent, or how they wish they had spent, their summer before medical school:

Madison Jeziorski

I worked to save up some money before school started, and I also filled my free time doing things I love like biking, being on the lake, and reading. I also spent a lot of time with friends and visited family that live out of state!

Riley Duke

The best thing I did the summer before medical school started was travel with my wife, Anna, to St. Lucia! We love spending time outdoors, and this was the perfect trip before we both started rigorous professional programs. Stay true to those activities that you love throughout the summer and medical school!

Miranda Worley

Finish all of the things on the admissions checklist early and ENJOY THE SUMMER! Read all the books, go on all the trips, and most importantly don't study!

Ben Honan

I went back to work for a couple months at a clinic I’d worked at during previous summers, since it was low-stress work with fun coworkers. I made sure to leave a few weeks between that and the start of school to relax, during which I went to the beach with some college friends. Whatever you do, give yourself some well-deserved time off - and there is truly no need to brush up on your amino acids or anything like that! I’m thankful I used the summer as a break from studies. School will be waiting for you in July, and you’ll have plenty of time to manage it when that time comes. Enjoy your summer!

Shahn Washington

I was kayaking on the Ocoee River every weekend!

Channing Bruce

The summer before medical school I relaxed! I did not study or attempt to and I suggest the same for everyone else. Put away that fresh First Aid 2022 and get some vitamin D instead. Create a workout routine for the first semester, practice meal prepping, or maybe just vacation. Relax all you can!

Grace Glidden

The summer before med school I took a break and gave myself free time! I really cherish the time I spent with family and friends because it becomes so hard to do once the pace of med school picks up. Something I wish I had done was pick up a healthy hobby/habit that helped me to destress and made it part of my routine so that I could have carried it into med school with me!

Walker Phillips

I would recommend for you to go travel and enjoy your time off! You all have worked so hard to get to this point, and it is such a wonderful time to reflect on all of your accomplishments!

Mady Taylor

The summer before med school I worked at a resort and spa in my hometown. This was a great way to spend time with my family before I moved away and gave me experience of learning to be hospitable and kind to everyone even when I didn’t want to be, something that already comes in handy in the hospital.

Fizza Mahmood

My advice would be first to really truly enjoy the summer before you start med school and take the time to make sure you talk to your support systems, whether that be family or friends or significant others, about this transition and how they can support you!