Displaying items by tag: collat school of business
The Green and Gold Fund is managed solely by UAB students.
The fifth annual multidisciplinary competition featured 24 teams of undergraduate, graduate and professional school students from multiple academic disciplines.
Summer rental fraud is a growing problem; knowing what to look for and how to protect yourself will keep you from getting burned on vacation.
Business students will again help prepare taxes for filers who earn less than $49,000 annually.
All full-time UAB faculty members and research staff are eligible to serve as principal investigators for this program.
UAB athlete came to Birmingham to get closer to dad and brother; but when dad died, the graduating senior found strength and family here on campus
Strategic-learning class puts CEOs in front of students and vice versa; discussion topics include failure and dating.
The winning teams receive grant awards from $20,000 to $25,000 each, totaling $100,000.
Miller joined the UAB faculty in 2004.
- awards and honors
- college of arts and sciences
- collat school of business
- school of dentistry
- school of education
- school of engineering
- school of health professions
- school of medicine
- school of nursing
- school of optometry
- school of public health
- graduate school
- academics
- administration
- commencement
- department of health services administration
The UAB chapter of NABA will provide free tax preparation for those who qualify
Take part in the UAB in China study-abroad experience May 13-24, 2013
The Leader-to-Leader Breakfast Series continues with Greg Canfield, secretary of the Alabama Department of Commerce.
Learn more about the Interprofessional Global Health Service Learning program Oct. 31.
The sixth annual CHINA Town Hall meeting from 6 to 8:15 p.m. Monday, Oct. 29, 2012.