Displaying items by tag: department of biology
The Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship provides sophomore students with hands-on, practical experience in NOAA-related science, research, technology, policy, management and education activities.
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The Department of Biology and the Alabama Audubon will host Harvard ornithologist Scott Edwards, Ph.D., for a seminar titled “Bicycling, Birding and #BLM Across America in a Summer of Chaos.”
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The Alabama Academy of Science has announced Samiksha Raut, Ph.D., as the inaugural recipient of the Adriel D. Johnson, Sr. Mentoring Award.
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Hosted by the UAB Department of Biology, Darwin Day 2023 will be an opportunity to explore current research and will feature an in-depth lecture that dives into the compelling self-destructive nature of human behavior.
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Terry also won the Social Change, Talent and Spirit awards, earning a total of $3,300 in scholarships.
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- release
- student affairs
- honors college
- collat school of business
- college of arts and sciences
- school of medicine
- school of education
- bioinformatics
- department of genetics
- department of accounting and finance
- department of kinesiology
- department of biology
- department of chemistry
- department of computer science
- department of human studies
- alys stephens center
- students
SRAI’s Future of the Field program aims to highlight the up-and-comers of research administration who demonstrate exemplary, innovative leadership among their peers and institutions that advance the field.
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Everyone will experience aging, but can a person enhance their aging through simple modifications? UAB experts say yes.
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- release
- office of national and international fellowships and scholarships
- office of the provost for student and faculty success
- honors college
- college of arts and sciences
- school of public health
- department of communication studies
- department of psychology
- department of biology
- department of criminal justice
- students
- national and international fellowships and scholarships
“Methuselah’s Zoo” explores how knowledge of animal species can benefit human lives in terms of fitness and longevity.
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Researchers from UAB and other institutions are seeking to better understand the aging differences between males and females.
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Five UAB graduate students received more than $118,000 in awards to strengthen graduate research projects.
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Supporting on-campus housing for Birmingham Promise scholars would enhance the well-rounded collegiate experience students aim to receive while at UAB.
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Recipients receive a scholarship equal to the amount of their tuition, housing, fees and books up to a maximum of $7,500 per academic year.
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The grant program funds early-career faculty to advance their skills and careers across campus and beyond.
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- release
- college of arts and sciences
- office of the provost for student and faculty success
- school of medicine
- department of medicine
- department of physics
- department of biology
- school of engineering
- department of civil construction and environmental engineering
- school of health professions
- department of clinical and diagnostic sciences
- school of nursing
- department of music
- department of surgery
- department of radiation oncology
- department of neurosurgery
- division of genomics and bioinformatics
- division of pulmonary allergy and critical care medicine
- department of sociology
- department of family and community medicine
- department of criminal justice
- department of chemistry
Derek Dang, graduating from UAB with honors, will present to legislators at the prestigious Posters on the Hill event, hosted by the Council on Undergraduate Research.
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- release
- office of service learning and undergraduate research
- commencement 2022
- college of arts and sciences
- honors college
- department of biology
- neuroscience
- international studies
- school of public health
- department of chemistry
- department of world languages and literatures
- student affairs
- institute for human rights
Samiksha Raut, Ph.D., has been selected as the recipient of the award for Outstanding Faculty Contributions to Service-Learning in Higher Education in research.
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Two UAB College of Arts and Sciences professors recognized for research efforts by NSF CAREER Awards
Researchers in UAB’s Departments of Physics and Biology have been awarded distinguished research grants by the National Science Foundation.
The tenth annual Darwin Day lecture will delve into the science behind extreme weapons seen in the animal world, given by an acclaimed expert in animal weaponry.
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Internationally renowned researcher named UAB’s newest endowed chair in healthy aging through partnership with Protective Life.
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