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Lopez named Fellow Member of American Headache Society

  • July 16, 2012

Neurology and pediatrics professor elected to national society.

Lopez09J. Ivan Lopez, M.D., has been elected a Fellow Member of the American Headache Society at its 54th annual meeting in July. Lopez, an associate professor of neurology and pediatrics, also directs the Vascular Neurology Training Program and the neurology clerkship.

Fellow Members of the American Headache Society, handpicked based on academic and research merit, must have United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties certification in headache medicine.

Lopez is a graduate of the La Salle University School of Medicine in Mexico and completed residencies at the University of South Alabama. His research and clinical interests are in treatment of headache and stroke. He joined UAB in 2009. Lopez, a major in the U.S. Army Reserve, recently completed a three-month tour in Iraq.