Displaying items by tag: People

Thirteen UAB School of Nursing faculty and alumni named FAAN

Will build upon first term achievements, tackle new challenges

Felesia Bowen is first dedicated leader for diversity, equity, inclusion work that began in 2019

Dawson is a co-lead and Smith serving as member on National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing

Through a one-year term, Baker will lead Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association

Transition begins in January 2022 with full retirement in Spring; Moneyham to serve

National Black Nurses Association honors individuals for excellence in teaching, research

Bryan Wilbanks, Larry Hornsby and Heather Rankin to be inducted as inaugural AANA Fellows

Named second holder of Donna Brown Banton Endowed Professorship in Nursing

Shameka Rogers Phillips named to Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation program

Honored with 2021 Excellence in Teaching Award

Goals include benchmarking study of Cameroon’s needs, state of anesthesia care.

Named National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty Outstanding Faculty Practice Award winner for 2021

Alabama League for Nursing term began earlier this year; will become ALN president in March 2022

$75 million Direct Relief Funf for Health Equity supporting community organizations addressing social, health and economic inequities

Recognized as Outstanding Mentors for their work with SON Fellows by The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of Alabama

Aimee Holland, Eileen Meyer and Heather Jackson receive 2021 Alabama Award of Excellence from American Association of Nurse Practitioners

Natalie Baker and Eileen Meyer receive educator awards at the Alabama State Nurses Association

Nursing Graduate Student Association Raises Money for Blazer Kitchen

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