Displaying items by tag: Alumni News

Alumna named among most influential women in corporate America

NIH grant to support Stockdill’s continued doctoral study in palliative care

UAB Medicine, Children’s of Alabama include 20 UABSON graduates in annual nursing excellence awards

Rozmus, Tan to be inducted in October

Pam Bowen receives $50,000 pilot grant to study Fitbit use to increase physical activity, improve lifestyle behaviors to improve health of African American women

Caitlin Campbell detailed her work on nursing work environment for Alabama State Nurses’ Association at annual meeting

Third book, on health policy, analyzes government-funded health care programs in America and discusses measures for improvement.

Outstanding contributions recognized with INACSL Spirit of Simulation Leadership Excellence Award

Receives University of Washington Distinguished Staff Award for extraordinary service and significant contributions to the university’s mission

Jane Brock extends family’s commitment to focus on improving health for vulnerable populations through endowed professorship, award fund
Alumnus Sargent's passion for mental health led him to help fill a critical void in health care providers
Nolan will participate in all-expense-paid career development workshop for early career nurse scientists
Lucinda Graven honored with Early Science Investigator Award from Southern Nursing Research Society
Selected from a pool of applicants to advance critical research agenda
Reading, Understanding, and Applying Nursing Research has received American Journal of Nursing's Book of the Year Award
Reich deployed immediately after graduation to serve in Operation Desert Storm; climbed with two fellow CRNAs, one another UAB alumna
Taylor Hinkle, Jordan Barksdale will work in various ways to advance, strengthen alumni organization
Brasher, Argade named recipients of the Summer 2016 DNP, BSN awards for student excellence
Mitchell, Urdaneta will earn BSN degrees, walk together in upcoming UAB summer commencement ceremony
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