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Say It In 6 returns, open to employee submissions through Jan. 25

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  • January 14, 2019

say it in 6 streamCan you tell your story — any story, whether about life, studies or UAB experiences — with just six words and a visual aid? If the answer is yes, submit your story to Say It In 6, a competition hosted by the UAB Graduate School encouraging students and employees to tell their stories in creative and succinct ways.

Originally, Say It In 6 was a competition exclusively for students. This year’s iteration is the first to allow faculty and staff submissions, which Graduate School Dean Lori McMahon says is an exciting way to encourage camaraderie on campus.

“We started Say It In 6 as a way to bring our campus community together,” she continued. “By adding a faculty and staff category, it provides an opportunity for more of our campus to participate.”

“We started Say It In 6 as a way to bring our campus community together.”

Competitors can submit their six-word entry and an image online by Jan. 25. Visual aids must be original photography or artwork.

Five finalists and five honorable mentions from both the student and faculty/staff divisions will be displayed during a winner’s reception in AEIVA, and three students will win cash prizes: first place, $1000; second place, $750; People’s Choice, $500. Employee winners will receive gift baskets.