Displaying items by tag: adults

You may be eligible to participate in a research study about the effects of Exercise and Metoprolol (a blood pressure pill) on a protein in your blood. This protein is related to heart disease. Eligible participants must be Healthy African American men having no history of diabetes, heart problems, or kidney problems. The study involves performing the exercise, taking metoprolol, consuming prepared meals, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated $350 for completing the study visits. Please e-mail at exercisebetastudy@uabmc.edu or call us at 205-934-7173 if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials

Help us find out by joining our study at UAB You may be eligible to participate in the PRECISION-BP research study investigating the effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan or Valsartan on your body’s 24-hour rhythm of a hormone in your blood called natriuretic peptides. This hormone and the study medications are related to the heart. Eligible participants must be obese (BMI: 30-45 kg/m2) men and women, have high blood pressure, and have no history of heart or kidney problems. The study involves wearing a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours, 24-hour inpatient visits at UAB hospital, taking medications, and collecting blood and urine samples. Meals will be provided at no cost. Participants will be compensated $575 for completing the study visits. Please e-mail Nehal at PRECISION-BPSTUDY@uabmc.edu or call us at 205-934-7173 if you are interested

Published in Clinical Trials

You may be eligible to participate in a research study looking at the effects of sacubitril/valsartan on how your body handles insulin and glucose. This medication is related to blood pressure and is safe to take with or without hypertension. Eligible participants must be healthy men and women, African American, and have no history of diabetes, heart disease or kidney problems. The study involves performing some exercise, taking sacubitril/valsartan, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated $675 for completing all the visits. To participate, please contact Haley at 205-975-5825 or email us at nauticalstudy@uabmc.edu.

Published in Clinical Trials
Receive compensation and Free 20-Week Exercise Program.

Eligible enrolled participants will receive:
- Supervised exercise training at no cost
- Blood pressure medication at no cost
- Convenient parking at no cost
- Compensation for time

If you are interested, please call 205-996-3005 and mention The ACES Study or apply here -https://www.uab.edu/medicine/exercise/volunteer-clinical-trials/aces-trial.
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The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Family and Community Medicine, is conducting a 12-month research study to test the effectiveness of a diabetes management intervention. If you have type 2 diabetes, are 18 years or older, and self-identify as Black or African American, you may be eligible to participate. Participants will be compensated up to $300 for completing the study.

For more information, please contact us at: 205-224-2567, or freedom@uabmc.edu, or fill out this pre-screening form and we will get in touch with you: https://redcap.link/freedom
Published in Clinical Trials
Help us find out by joining our study at UAB. You may be eligible to participate in the PRECISION-BP research study about the effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan or Valsartan on your body’s 24-hour rhythm of a hormone in your blood called natriuretic peptides. This hormone and the study medications are related to the heart. Eligible participants must have a BMI: 30-45 kg/m2), have high blood pressure, and have no history of heart or kidney problems. The study involves wearing a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours, 24-hour inpatient visits at UAB hospital, taking medications, and collecting blood and urine samples. Meals will be provided at no cost. Participants will be compensated $575 for completing the study visits. Please e-mail Nehal at PRECISION-BPSTUDY@uabmc.edu or call us at 205-934-7173 if you are interested
Published in Clinical Trials
Are you a Black or African American adult living with multiple sclerosis (MS)? We’re looking for participants to join the Targeted Exercise for African Americans with Multiple Sclerosis (TEAAMS) study.

This research aims to explore whether a 16-week, home-based exercise program tailored specifically for Black/African Americans with MS can improve walking difficulties, ease symptoms, and enhance quality of life for those living in the South.

You may qualify if you:
• Are between 18 and 64 years old
• Have been diagnosed with MS
• Self-identify as Black or African American
• Live in the Southern United States

What’s involved?
• A personalized exercise program you can do at home
• Personalized support from a coach throughout the program
• Compensation of $90 for completing all study visits

For more information, contact Denise Gomez at enrl@uic.edu or call (833) 727-1887.
Published in Clinical Trials
Adult ages 40-80 are needed for a study about the anti-inflammatory effects of ensifentrine in patients with COPD. The study involves 7 visits in our clinical research unit, and the collection of urine and blood. Compensation up to $700. For more information, call 205-996-2727 or email Carrie at LungHealth@uabmc.edu.
Published in Clinical Trials

Help us find out by joining our study. The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Nutrition Sciences, is conducting an exciting research study, in collaboration with Pennington Biomedical Research Center, to investigate whether intermittent fasting or calorie restriction (i.e., losing weight) can improve health and slow the aging process.

If you are randomly selected to do calorie restriction, you may lose weight by eating less. If you are randomly selected to do intermittent fasting, you will fast for 16 hours per day and eat dinner by 6 pm about 6 days per week (1 break day per week). We want you to be successful: the study provides intensive coaching and support to help you successfully lose weight or practice intermittent fasting.

To qualify, you should:

Be 25-45 years old
Have a BMI between 22-30 Calculate your BMI here
Be healthy
Not currently taking any medications or supplements for chronic conditions
Not smoke, vape, or use tobacco products currently or within the last 6 months
Not currently participate in a regular program of heavy physical activity (e.g., jogging, running, or riding fast on a bicycle for 30 minutes or more per day)
The study involves collecting a medical history, body fat and bone scans, blood draws, urine collection, questionnaires, and other simple tests. Participation in the study will last approximately 7 months. Compensation of up to $1,500 is offered for the completion of this study. If you are interested in participating and think you may be eligible, please click the button below to screen online, call 205-934-1457, or email dial@uab.edu.

Published in Clinical Trials
Do you have infrequent or irregular cycles? or Do you have excessive hair growth on your upper lip, chin, chest, abdomen, buttocks, or back? If you are between 18 and 35 years old, and answered YES to any of the questions above you may qualify for this study. Benefits: Free physical exam, labs and ovarian imaging, Receive up to $600 for complete participation in the study. Help to improve our understanding of women's health. For More information Please call (205) 934-0877 or email slangan@uabmc.edu
Published in Clinical Trials
You may be eligible for a research study if you are a female 18 or older and have been diagnosed with endometriosis. Study medication and clinic visits provided at no cost. Compensation provided for every visit. Please call 205-934-1322 or email slangan@uabmc.edu to hear more information.
Published in Clinical Trials
Then you may be eligible for a research study. If you are female ages 18-49 and were diagnosed with endometriosis in the last 10 years, you may qualify to receive study medication at no cost to you. For more information call 205-934-1322 or email slangan@uabmc.edu. Compensation provided for completed visits.
Published in Clinical Trials
Participants between the ages 65-84 needed for a research study on balance. This study is being done to determine how balance (or your ability stay upright while initiating gait from standing position) by older adults is affected as you step over an obstacle placed at different distances forward and stepping sideways. If you qualify, we anticipate that your participation in the study session will be no more than three hours. You will be compensated for your time. Please e-mail Dr. Christopher Hurt, cphurt@uab.edu or contact him at 934-8517 if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
Researchers in the School of Public Health are recruiting college students age 19 and older who smoke cigarettes (at least 5 cigarettes per day). Participants will take part in an educational counseling session. You do NOT have to want to quit smoking to participate. Participation involves coming to our center for one 30-minute orientation session, one 60-minute educational counseling session, and two 15-minute follow-up sessions. You will be asked to fill out some questionnaires, abstain from smoking overnight, and smoke a cigarette that we will provide you. You will be offered an 8-week supply of the nicotine patch that you may use if you wish. You will have the opportunity to be compensated a total of $75 cash for your participation. For more information, call our research staff at 205-975-7721.
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