Linda Gunter

Linda Gunter

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(205) 975-5533

Nationwide, the cost of health care is rising, and UAB is working to balance the impact of these costs on our employees and the organization. Here are some things you can do to reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.

Eligible employees may choose among four health plans plus dental and vision benefits during the annual open enrollment Oct. 26-Nov. 12. Medical premium assistance — based on household income — will expand to include more eligible employees.

Learn more about free life-coaching from UAB’s Employee Assistance & Counseling Center.

UAB Transportation Services is aware of the issues and is addressing them with First Transit to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

Eligible employees of UAB, UAB Hospital, and UAB Hospital Management LLC may choose or decline vision coverage during the open enrollment for benefits Oct. 26-Nov. 12.

All four candidates for the position of dean of the School of Dentistry have made their public presentations. Learn more about all the presentations and submit evaulations for the other candidates online.

Employees have a choice of two stand-alone dental plans — basic or comprehensive coverage — provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama.

Benefit-eligible employees will have the choice of enrolling in a traditional health care plan during the annual open enrollment Oct. 26-Nov. 12. No plan design changes for this year.

The addition of Collat School of Business, School of Nursing plus Lister Hill and Sterne libraries completes Phase I of the roll-out that began with the Shelby Research building in September.

All faculty and staff will be asked to complete an online harassment-prevention education program, beginning in October.

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