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Records' Satterfield named November Employee of the Month

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  • November 22, 2013

Donna Satterfield sizedEmployees often step up when co-workers are out for a few days, but Donna Satterfield took the reins of her department for three months while one was on leave. This is one of the several reasons Satterfield was selected as November's Employee of the Month. 

"I believe in our department any of my fellow colleagues would have done the same for me in that situation," said Satterfield, a records-management specialist in the Gift and Biographical Records department. "This is not something I thought about; I just wanted to help my fellow colleagues in anyway I could."

She said that experience enabled her to see the challenges her colleagues face.

Satterfield was nominated by Brian Hagan, director of the department, who commended her on being the kind of employee that makes UAB great.

"Donna is always a hard-worker, dedicated to getting the job done and brings joy to the people who work around her," Hagan said. 

She has been with UAB since January 1999, and she works with the university's annual fundraising campaigns. The Gift and Biographical Records department reaches out to the UAB community, alumni, parents and faculty and staff to raise funds for the areas of greatest need at UAB. 

"Our office has the opportunity to work with all of the university’s academic units and divisions through our different campaigns," Satterfield said. "As a result, I get the chance to hear about all the great accomplishments across campus and, if I’m lucky, even get insight into new and innovative projects before they are publicized. It feels like I have an insider’s pass to UAB’s upcoming successes, which keeps me energized and excited about coming to work every day."

She says sharing these achievements with everyone and keeping the community excited about the future of UAB is one of the most gratifying aspects of her job. 

Her co-workers say they can always count on her to get things done correctly the first time.

"She seems to consistently go above and beyond her regular duties to ensure the data integrity of our donor system, a smooth running office and a terrific team environment," said Daphne Powell, senior director of Stewardship and Donor Relations. Powell has worked with Satterfield for 14 years. "In addition, she is a dedicated wife and mother who puts family at the forefront of everything she does."

Satterfield and her recently retired husband Phillip have been married for 36 years. Their daughter Jennifer is a nurse practitioner and also a nursing instructor at Jefferson State Community College. Donna said she has a great team at work, and one at home, as well.

"I know no matter what is going on I have their support," Donna said.