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Map your career future April 23

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  • April 15, 2019

career dev streamWhere do you want to see your career go? Learn how to create and evaluate your personal career map during the second session of Taking Charge of Your Career 11 a.m.-noon April 23 in the School of Health Professions Executive Learning Center Room 640.

Fill out a Career Map to lay out your tentative plan for your career at UAB. Each block represents a step in your career, with the gold block representing the job to which you aspire. In each block, include your age, the job you held, skills and capabilities you acquired and demonstrated and personal traits you’ve honed.

Still discovering what you want out of your career at UAB? Answer some career-planning questions to discover the path that works best for you.

Offered through a partnership between UAB Learning and Development and the Staff Council, this career-mapping seminar is the second session in the three-part series that began Feb. 23, which featured a panel of UAB staff offering insight from their journeys into success.

Add the session to your calendar: