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School of Public Health News July 12, 2019

The UAB School of Public Health manages The Association of Teachers of Maternal & Child Health, or ATMCH. After a recent strategic planning process, ATMCH has revised its mission, target audience, and scope of work. ATMCH still aims to grow and support excellence in teaching Maternal and Child Health (MCH) across multiple academic settings. Specifically, ATMCH offers a forum to support the cadre of current and future faculty, aiming to enhance knowledge and skills essential to teaching in the field of MCH. However, ATMCH’s revised target audience is now current and future faculty…doctoral and pre-doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, junior/early career faculty, senior faculty, and others who want to improve their teaching in academic programs. Despite a revised scope of work, ATMCH will offers the following resources and opportunities to its members:

  • Innovative Teaching Awards (ITAs): Each year, ATMCH distributes among members a Request for Proposal for Innovative Teaching Awards. ATMCH seeks and rewards teams that will produce innovative and creative MCH educational offerings.
  • Mentorship Project: ATMCH provides an opportunity for new or developing MCH academic programs to become an ATMCH Mentee Program and be matched (with funding) to an experienced ATMCH Mentor who provides assistance in shaping and/or strengthening the matched Mentee Program.
  • Teaching & Learning Resources: ATMCH members share valuable, original educational resources with others via the ATMCH Teaching & Learning Resources webpage. Upon starting a new MCH course or instructional endeavor or revising a course or instructional endeavor, members are encouraged to review the syllabi and educational resources that have been shared and posted.
  • Lunch-&-Learn Webinar Series: ATMCH has partnered with the MCH Navigator to provide webinars on a variety of topics. ATMCH archives these webinars, along with all associated materials. Over the course of the next year, ATMCH will be working to assess the networking, mentoring, and training needs of current and future MCH faculty. Following this, ATMCH will plan, host, and evaluate a responsive activity/event. In lieu of this, ATMCH will not be hosting its annual Speed Networking Event at APHA this fall. ATMCH communicates the availability of new resources, activities, and opportunities to members via email. Membership is free of charge and the short, online application can be found HERE.

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