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The Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center conducts educational outreach through the Children's of Alabama program, called the Baby Step® Program — a nine-part video series that is targeted to teach parents and caretakers of a baby with sickle cell disease about the problems they may encounter during the first 10 years of their child's life.

This program is tailored to four different variations of sickle cell disease that include:

  • HbSS Disease

  • HbSC Disease

  • HbS/B0thal

  • HbS/B+thal

Homozygous Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle Cell Anemia (HbSS Disease) is the most common Sickle Cell Disease. It clogs blood vessels and causes severe pain. It can also cause problems such as organ and tissue damage. 



Hemoglobin Sickle Cell Disease

Hemoglobin SC (HbSC) disease is less severe than HbSS, but still results in recurrent episodes of pain and progressive organ damage.



Sickle Beta Zero Thalassemia Disease

Sickle Beta Zero Thalassemia Disease is similar to sickle cell anemia. Your child's red blood cells contain abnormal hemoglobin. In addition, the red blood cells have a defect called thalassemia, which results in cells that are small in size and more pale than usual. HbS/B0thal is inherited, therefor it is a lifelong disorder.  



Sickle Beta Plus Thalassemia Disease

Sickle Beta + Thalassemia is a disease that causes a mild form of sickle cell anemia. This causes the body's hemoglobin, or red blood cells, to take on a sickle shape and not flow through the blood vessels as smoothly. This can cause a number of complications.