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Faculty: Faculty competence
The institution employs competent faculty members qualified to accomplish the mission and goals of the institution.  When determining acceptable qualifications of its faculty, an institution gives primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline.  The institution also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including, as appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and certifications, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes. For all cases, the institution is responsible for justifying and documenting the qualifications of its faculty. (See the Commission guidelines “Faculty Credentials.”)

Judgment Unchecked Icon  Compliance    Judgment Unchecked Icon  Partial Compliance    Judgment Unchecked Icon  Non-Compliance    Judgment Unchecked Icon  Not Applicable

Off-site Committee Comments


The University of Alabama Birmingham provides evidence that the vast majority of the faculty providing instruction in their schools have the appropriate expertise for their assignment and meets standards for competence. There are some instances, however, in which the case for compliance was not made based on the evidence provided. It is not possible to verify the identified credentials and qualifications of faculty with the materials provided for review. Additional clarifying information is requested for the faculty listed (See Request for Justifying and Documenting Qualifications of Faculty).


Institutional Response


Additional information has been added for faculty cited in the Off-Campus Committee Report. Instructions for the faculty roster are given below.


Faculty Corrections

The following faculty members have been removed as instructor of record for the associated courses. Explanations are provided. Current instructors for these courses are included in the faculty roster.


Name of Faculty Member

Course(s) in Question


Gafarov, Ozarfar

PH 201L; PH 221L; PH 221R

These are laboratories and recitations that have been reassigned to a faculty member who is included in the faculty roster. Graduate students supervising recitations and laboratories are not instructors of record.

 Nolan, Nicholas K

PH 202L; PH 222L

These are laboratories and recitations that have been reassigned to a faculty member who is included in the faculty roster. Graduate students supervising recitations and laboratories are not instructors of record.  

Nored, Adam W

AST 111

This is a laboratory that has been reassigned to a faculty member who is included in the faculty roaster. Graduate students supervising laboratories are not instructors of record.

Rhoades, Matthew W

PH 201L; PH 221L

These are laboratories and recitations that have been reassigned to a faculty member who is included in the faculty roster. Graduate students supervising recitations and laboratories are not instructors of record. 

Skinner, Alex W

PH 202L; PH 222L; PH 351L; PH 352L

These are laboratories and recitations that have been reassigned to a faculty member who is included in the faculty roster. Graduate students supervising recitations and laboratories are not instructors of record. 

 Wolanyk, Nathaniel E.

AST 111; AST 112; PH 201R

These are laboratories and recitations that have been reassigned to a faculty member who is included in the faculty roster. Graduate students supervising recitations and laboratories are not instructors of record. 

Clawson, Paula J.

MEDICINE 06-412: Immigration and  Healthcare (Spring 2014 - Medicine) (16) (G)

This entry has been corrected to reflect the course director (William Coleman) rather than the grade contact. Dr. Coleman is included in the faculty roster.

Ferguson, Maria M.

MEDICINE 76-403V: Radiation Oncology Visiting Elective (Fall 2013 - Medicine) (4) (G) 

This entry has been corrected to reflect the course director (Omer Burnett) rather than the grade contact. Dr. Burnett is included in the faculty roster.

Smith, Stephen R.

MEDICINE 06-402E: Basic Science Elective (Spring 2014 - Medicine) (0) (G)
MEDICINE STP2038: Leadership Development in the Context of Medical Education (Fall 2013 - Medicine) (2) (G)

This entry has been corrected to reflect the course director (Annalise Sorrentino) rather than the grade contact. Dr. Sorrentino is included in the faculty roster.

Tuma, Carolyn M.

MEDICINE 48-403: Surgical Pathology (Spring 2014 - Medicine) (4) (G)
MEDICINE 96-402: Surgical Pathology MS3 Elective (Spring 2014 - Medicine) (4) (G)

This entry has been corrected to reflect the course director (Margaret Brandwein-Gensler) rather than the grade contact. Dr. Brandwein-Gensler is included in the faculty roster.

Yoder, Stephen A.

AC 590: Advanced Topics in Accounting (Spring 2014) (3) (G)

The correct instructor for AC 590 is Lary B Cowart. His information has been included in the revised Faculty Roster, and Mr. Yoder has been included in the roster with AC 590 removed from his courses.


Faculty Roster

  • Faculty rosters have been organized to enable readers to view each instructor, courses taught, degrees used for credentialing, and additional qualifications. The faculty roster is organized alphabetically by discipline, which is determined by the academic program of the course. Thus, faculty may be assigned to multiple disciplines. The roster includes the following information for each faculty member serving as instructor of record during Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 semesters:
  • Full name and employment status (full-time, part-time, or retired). Each name serves as a hyperlink to additional faculty information including title, department, and if currently teaching. 
  • This faculty information page also includes a list of all courses taught by the faculty member during the Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 semesters. This information includes course level (undergraduate or graduate) and course title. The identification for each course (CRN number) is a hyperlink to the course description from the 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog or the 2014-2015 Graduate Catalog. Team-taught courses are linked only with the course coordinator/instructor of record.
  • Academic degrees earned by the faculty member include degree level, major discipline, degree granting institution, and year awarded as entered in the Faculty Database.
  • Optional additional qualifications entered by the school or college, such as additional certifications, professional experience, and professional development are included. In cases where the discipline or degree level requirements are not met, additional qualifications are mandatory.
  • In many health-related disciplines, a doctoral degree is not offered. In these cases, professional certification(s), licensure(s), and experience are most relevant in determining instructional qualifications.


This faculty data is not publicly accessible.
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