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Kasman to perform Medtner’s Piano Concerto No. 3 with Ukrainian National Symphony Orchestra

  • May 18, 2015

Kasman will perform the little-known masterpiece, which is extremely difficult, with the country’s leading orchestra and conductor, Volodymyr Sirenko.

kasman2aPianist Yakov Kasman, DMA, will perform as a soloist with the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine in the rarely performed Nikolay Medtner Piano Concerto No. 3 on Wednesday, May 20, in the National Philharmonia Hall of Kyiv, Ukraine.

Kasman is artist-in-residence and professor of piano in the University of Alabama at Birmingham College of Arts and SciencesDepartment of Music.

“I am performing a ‘hidden treasure,’ a very little-known piece, but a true masterpiece, huge in size and ideas, extremely difficult for the soloist,” Kasman said. “Medtner is becoming more and more popular among performers and listeners, but it takes a lot of effort to put together a performance of the concerto for piano and orchestra; therefore his piano concertos are still performed very rarely. I am so fortunate and happy to be the soloist with the leading Ukrainian orchestra and conductor Volodymyr Sirenko in this great concerto.”