Displaying items by tag: department of ophthalmology

This study will explore the role of biomechanical differences in the optic nerve that may explain why individuals of African descent are at greatest risk of developing glaucoma.
Brian Samuels, M.D., says there is an increase of eye pressure throughout the morning, and that pressure comes and goes throughout the day. This fluctuation is a known risk factor for the progression of glaucoma.
Approximately 14 million Americans have age-related macular degeneration, and a new study suggests it may be underdiagnosed in primary eye care settings.
Educators across Alabama are urged to develop a concussion management plan to help concussed children return to the classroom more effectively.
UAB Callahan Eye hospital is home to one of only two level one ocular trauma centers in the United States.
Anderson Glover was diagnosed with congenital cataracts when he was 8 months old, but specialized treatment from UAB has provided new vision for a bright and happy child. 
As NASA prepares for its journey to Mars, one UAB researcher is investigating why so many astronauts suffer from poorer vision after they return to Earth.
The function and structure of protein GARP2 in rod cells of the retina is still not clear, but researchers have shown that GARP2 accelerates retinal degeneration in mice, and have made an important step toward creating a standardized nomenclature between mice and humans for a measurement of retinal degeneration.
Christine Curcio, Ph.D., led an international team of researchers that developed a culture system for age-related macular degeneration, the third most prevalent cause of vision loss worldwide.
Funding from a National Eye Institute award to the UAB School of Optometry will advance eye care research.
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