Just one month after major research findings showed dangerous PFAS present in more than one-third of fast food packaging tested, UAB and Notre Dame created a new technique to track PFASs in the body.
Antenatal corticosteroids given to high-risk moms are associated with better outcomes for babies born prematurely.
Unusual case of teen patient diagnosed with colorectal cancer receives innovative first-in-human clinical trial at UAB, reflecting a unique story of cancer and hope.
Ph.D. candidate Kathryn Henley competed against 45 students to win first place at the 3MT Regional Competition in Annapolis, Maryland, on March 5.
The 2017 graduating class of the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine celebrated another successful Match Day on Friday, March 17. With 98 percent of students matching into residency positions, UAB students will continue their medical education at 75 institutions in 29 states across the country.
Anderson Glover was diagnosed with congenital cataracts when he was 8 months old, but specialized treatment from UAB has provided new vision for a bright and happy child. 
A new study from UAB details the burden of sepsis — widespread infection in the body — in the United States.
UAB Internal Medicine and Pediatrics physician adds an audiobook feature with his latest release, which explores the power of pharmaceutical companies in this frightening medical thriller.
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