Displaying items by tag: institute for cancer outcomes and survivorship

Heersink School of Medicine awarded nine staff members as the 2024 Dean’s Excellence Awards for Staff winners. Individuals selected for this honor showcased outstanding accomplishments beyond their daily duties and contributed considerably to Heersink’s core mission areas – education, clinical care, and basic, translational, and clinical research.

UAB holds its administrative professionals in the highest regard. April 26, 2023, is Administrative Professionals Day – allowing us to recognize and celebrate our administrative professionals while also highlighting the administrative resources offered by UAB. Most recently, the Developing Emerging Administrative Leaders (DEAL) program was established to offer development opportunities for current administrative professionals through training experiences and networking, to assist administration with their career paths and plans of advancing within UAB and UAB Medicine.
Smita Bhatia, M.D., MPH, director of the Institute for Cancer Outcomes and Survivorship, has been awarded a $600,000 grant by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to study anthracycline-related cardiotoxicity in childhood cancer survivors.