University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) junior Lucy Jones, 20, of Huntsville, was named one of the 10 Best Attorneys at the American Mock Trial Association’s Invitational Tournament held recently in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Posted on December 12, 2002 at 10:22 a.m.

BIRMINGHAM, AL — University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) junior Lucy Jones, 20, of Huntsville, was named one of the 10 Best Attorneys at the American Mock Trial Association’s Invitational Tournament held recently in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Jones and the other nine contestants were honored for earning the top scores out of a field of 180. Jones, who is captain of one of UAB’s two mock trial teams, competed against students representing 60 teams from across the country. Each team, consisting of three attorneys and three witnesses, presented fictional civil wrongful death cases during the two-day competition.

Jones is a student in the UAB Honors Program and currently lives in Homewood.