National Health Information Privacy and Security Week provides an opportunity to remind UAB and UAHSF employees, faculty, volunteers and students of the importance of protecting the privacy and security of health information.

Review your practices in light of these guidelines:

• Use only minimally necessary protected health information (PHI) to perform job assignments.
• Access PHI for work-related purposes only: treatment, payment, or health-care operations such as quality improvement, accreditation and compliance activities.
• Restrict conversations involving PHI; avoid discussions in common areas like hallways or elevators.
• Use the HIPAA-approved coversheet if faxing PHI, and double check the fax number.
• Lock up your portable devices such as laptops and USB flash drives. Use encryption on all portable devices that store confidential information.
• Always lock or log off your workstation when unattended.
• Obtain IRB approval before using PHI for research.

For more information about HIPAA, please visit the UAB/UABHS HIPAA Web site at Together we can keep protected health information private, confidential, and secure as we complete our individual responsibilities and duties.