Vice President for Research and Economic Development Richard Marchase, Ph.D., has been named the 93rd president of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB).

FASEB represents the various biomedical research specialties with more than 80,000 members, making it the largest coalition of U.S. biomedical research associations. It is the principal voice for research scientists on issues affecting the biomedical sciences, advocating for research funding and policies that promote scientific progress and education and lead to improvements in human health.

“I hope that during this critical election year the federation is able to communicate effectively to the candidates and the nation the importance of biomedical research not only to advance science and medicine, but as an economic driver,” Marchase said.

“Too often funding for biomedical science is considered a luxury. If we are going to continue our pace of finding new treatments and cures for human ailments, additional financial resources must be made available.”

Marchase is the principal investigator on several awards for research infrastructure from the National Institutes of Health, including $15.9 million for the construction of a biosafety facility. The NIH also supports his laboratory, which studies the effects of hyperglycemia on resuscitation and tissue viability.