James Camel can point to many virtuous traits of Scott Austin, but he especially admires the love and dedication Austin shows his wife and children. That’s why Camel was so appreciative when he Austin helped the Department of Genetics during a mini-crisis – that came right after Austin’s wife gave birth to their third child.

Scott Austin, coordinator of educational services for the Genetics Residency Program and the Interdisciplinary Genetics Program in the Department of Genetics, is September’s Employee of the Month.
A resident was in need of an official letter of offer from the department, and Austin was the person who could make the offer happen.

“Scott was the only person within the department who knew the scenario and the Graduate Medical Education rules that afforded us an opportunity to make an offer to an incoming resident and at the appropriate classification for which they truly were qualified,” says Camel, administrative director of genetics. “He came into work, drafted the letter, put it in the mail and made one resident very happy. Afterwards, Scott dashed home, secured his children and brought them to the hospital to see their new sibling.

“Scott showed he was a loving husband, a wonderful dad and a dedicated employee.”

But there is more to Austin’s selection as September’s Employee of the Month than his willingness to help in time of crisis. “Truly,” he says, “it was no big deal. I just had to run by for a few minutes.” Austin always is eager to help students and his co-workers get their jobs done efficiently, and he manages many important roles within the department.

UAB grad, invaluable asset
Austin, a UAB graduate, is the coordinator of educational activities for the Genetics Residency Program and the Interdisciplinary Genetics Graduate Program. He ensures that the day-to-day activities of the residency program run smoothly; this includes completing evaluations and scheduling conferences. He also provides an orientation for rotating students and residents, supplying them with reading materials, computer passwords and other necessities.

Austin is involved with patient presentations for the medical school activities. He contacts families, confirms dates and often is the person to greet them and take them to the lecture hall, something he says gives him an opportunity to get to know the patients personally.

Austin has many other duties: He coordinates interdisciplinary graduate programs into the post-doc and residency programs, coordinates summer research interns for junior and senior level undergraduate students and coordinates two Genetics Grand Rounds per month.

The latter involves a great deal of engagement by Austin. He has to set and reschedule dates with speakers and acquire and maintain required materials for CME accreditation.

“Scott is an invaluable resource,” says Nathanial Robin, M.D., professor of genetics and pediatrics. “But these only are a few of Scott’s activities. What makes him stand out is the remarkable consistency of his work. He is thorough and precise in everything he does, which obviously is an incredible relief for those that rely on him. And Scott is willing to go above and beyond. He is a professional, working until his job is complete.”

Austin began his working career at UAB in 2002 and has been in Genetics since 2003. He was promoted to program manager in October 2007. He says his love for UAB and the example set forth in the department by its leadership make his job enjoyable and engaging.

“Most of my working life outside of college has been spent at UAB,” Austin says. “The people in this department are extremely dedicated, which makes it easy for me to love that I do and strive to achieve high standards.”