Sterne and Lister Hill libraries will commemorate National Library Week April 14-18 with events and giveaways.


Monday through Thursday Sterne library will have a daily drawing and give away a $5 Vendacard to someone who correctly answers the question on its Web page Enter every day to win.

Something new is planned for every day.

Monday, April 14: Eat free pizza in the library between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. (or until the pizza runs out).

Tuesday, April 15: On National Library Workers’ Day, be sure to come in and vote for your favorite library worker. A book discussion for To Kill a Mockingbird led by Kieran Quinlan is scheduled from 6-8 p. Refreshments provided.

Wednesday, April 16: Amnesty day! Present your ID and overdue returned books at the Circulation Desk and your fines for those books will be forgiven. Afterward, have coffee and snacks at 10 a.m. noon and 2 p.m. in the reading area in front of the Circulation Desk.

Thursday, April 17: Free printout day! Come by Sterne Library and print out your black-and-white articles for free in the Reference Department (ETS printers, the color printer, and the Blazer Bucks printer are not included)

Friday, April 18: Hourly prizes awarded between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Fill out an entry form and you will be entered to win one of our hourly prizes. The entry box is emptied every hour, so visit often.

At Lister Hill, amnesty is a week long gift. Patrons who turn in overdue materials can get up to $10 reduction in fines.

A trivia quiz also promises valuable prizes for those who answer correctly. Go the the LHL site for info and to take the UAB Trivia Quiz.

Don't forget Snacks on the Plaza 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday.