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Human Resource Management

HR is both the glue that holds a business together and the grease that keeps its gears turning smoothly. It is the management of people; caring for their health and safety, managing their financial investment in the company, and fostering their growth within the organization and beyond. The HR Management coursework will give you a well-rounded foundation in the human resource management sector to keep your organization's most valuable assets — its people — working as smoothly as you do.

Two men in suits facing each other at a table, one gesturing with both hands.
  • Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion in HR Management
    Developed in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization's guidance on diversity and inclusion for organizations, the Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion in HR Management provides a foundation for creating a workplace where all employees are respected and appreciated as valuable members of the organization, are able to participate in work-related opportunities, can follow career paths that use their skills and knowledge to the fullest, and receive fair compensation. The courses explain how diverse and inclusive workplaces are more productive, innovative, creative, and profitable, and that fostering an inclusive culture produces higher employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention rates. The certificate explores the responsibilities of leaders, the workforce, and other stakeholders in recognizing diversity, working and communicating inclusively, reducing unconscious biases, acting accountably, and assessing diversity and inclusion initiatives using qualitative and quantitative methods.
    Access Time:270 days
    Estimated Length:12 hours
    Credits:1.2 IACET CEUs /12 HRCI Credits /12 SHRM PDCs 
  • Human Resource Management Certificate
    The 100% online, self-paced certificate program will give you a well-rounded foundation in the human resource management sector to keep your organization’s most valuable assets – its people – working as smoothly as you do. HR is both the glue that holds a business together and the grease that keeps its gears turning smoothly. It is the management of people: caring for their health and safety, managing their financial investment in the company, and fostering their growth within the organization and beyond. Every challenge is different when you work in HR, so being prepared to offer assistance in a variety of areas is essential.
    Access Time:365 days
    Estimated Length:21 hours
    Credits:2.1 IACET CEUs / 6 PMI PDUs / 21 HRCI Credits / 19.5 SHRM PDCs
  • Managing the Hybrid Workforce Certificate (HRCI)
    The 100% online, self-paced certificate program prepares HR professionals to manage hybrid workforces, especially during times of transition and as business needs change. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations large and small quickly adapted to remote work settings and alternative workplace solutions to protect employees' health and safety and maintain business continuity. What began as a necessary and seemingly temporary change soon prompted organizations to rethink their work environments and workspace needs entirely. HR professionals play a key role in leveraging the benefits of work settings, remote and in-person, to create solutions that suit the unique needs of their organizations.
    Access Time:270 days
    Estimated Length:9 hours
    Credits:IACET CEUs: 0.9, HRCI: 9 (Type: General: 9)

Collat School of Business