Jeff Hansen

Jeff Hansen

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Research Editor | (205) 209-2355

Communicates UAB research discoveries and initiatives from across the university for a variety of audiences.

Specific beats: 

  • Alabama Drug Discovery Alliance
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics 
  • Biomatrix Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 
  • Cell biology 
  • Center for Biophysical Sciences and Engineering 
  • CCTS
  • Center for Metabolic Bone Disease 
  • Microbiology 
  • Neurobiology 
  • Comprehensive Neuroscience Center 
  • Pathology, research shared with MS2
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology 
  • Physiology and Biophysics 
  • UAB Research Foundation/IIE 
  • Research Administration
This novel virulence trait, which increases severity of S. pneumoniae superinfection, involves pneumococcal surface protein A, now identified as an adhesin.

A comprehensive health-screening program in rural northern KwaZulu-Natal has found a high burden of undiagnosed or poorly controlled non-communicable diseases.

New results suggest the answer is no, implying that the role of tau in the pathogenesis of Lewy body dementias is distinct from Alzheimer’s disease.

Only 22 early-career researchers were selected as Pew Scholars this year, and Thyme is one of five whose research focus is the brain.

Responsibility for the safety, integrity and scientific validity of the trials fell to 12 experts of the COVID-19 Vaccine Data and Safety Monitoring Board, who now have taken the unusual step of publishing details of their review process.

COVID-19 vaccines were not developed overnight. Here are the astounding stories behind mRNA vaccines.
Researchers used a pig model of heart attacks, which more closely resembles the human heart in size and physiology, and thus has high clinical relevance to human disease.
A single intranasal dose provided sterilizing immunity — no detectable COVID-19 virus — in the lungs of vaccinated mice, in contrast to dense infection in lungs of unvaccinated mice.
ResBiotic Inc. will use the money to develop and commercialize groundbreaking probiotic formulations for lung health.
Knowledge of the specific flagellins that drive the pathogenic immune response in Crohn’s disease is a step toward a potential preventive treatment.
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