Adam Pope

Adam Pope

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Public Relations Manager, Traditional University Campus • (205) 934-6986

Leads external communications for units within the traditional university campus. Pope and his team proactively reach out to the media to secure media hits telling the story of happenings on campus ranging from the arts to student stories, graduate and undergraduate research and beyond. The team works reactively to ensure appropriate experts are connected with media within their deadline.

Specific beats include: School of Health Professions; College of Arts and Sciences; Political Science; Criminal Justice; Anthropology; Bill L. Harbert Institute for Innovation and EntrepreneurshipCollat School of Business; School of Education; Administrative News; Office of the Provost for Student and Faculty Success; Enrollment, Admissions, Financial Aid; Human Resources; Issues Management; Student Affairs/Student Life;Minority Health and Health Equity Research Center

As the fall months approach, the potential for seasonal allergies, runny noses and sinus infections increases.
Patients with thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas and adrenal tumors will soon have a one-stop shop for endocrine neoplasia treatment.
The Family Playbook is a group dedicated to providing support, education, coping skills and resources to adolescents and families who are trying to navigate the “what now?” of concussionsThe Family Playbook is a group dedicated to providing support, education, coping skills and resources to adolescents and families who are trying to navigate the “what now?” of concussions.
Curcio holds the White-McKee Endowed Professorship in Ophthalmology at UAB.
Menear and Feldman joined 63 other competitively selected women leaders from across the United States and Canada to partake in the intensive, residential leadership development program at Bryn Mawr.
“At the core, I don’t want anyone else to lose their father so early in their lifetime. That drove me at the beginning to do the work I do today.”
The highest blood pressure amplification was found in patients with uncontrolled resistant high blood pressure.
What connected two people before pales in comparison to what connects them now.
The ERAS program is a patient-centered approach leading to better patient satisfaction and health outcomes.
UAB investigators have outlined the ideal cardiovascular health among American adults after the economic recession of 2008-2009.
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