Tyler Greer

Tyler Greer

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Rice, who is currently the chair-elect of CANS, is the first person to be elected to the chair position.
Baker is one of two UAB ABN members representing advanced practice nursing.
National Institute of Nursing Research’s five-year grant is for ENABLE: CHF-PC study to determine whether palliative care is a best practice for heart-failure patients.
Donation from Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company and Protective Life Corporation will aid new disease-changing therapies in the ADDA pipeline.
Award given annually to top young professionals in Birmingham based on their contribution to their company, impact on the business world and role in their community.
Second annual Leadership Practices for Quality and Safety workshop will target the development of early and mid-career nurse leaders.
Unborn child diagnosed with rare syndrome when mom was five months’ pregnant; parents now prepare for difficult road ahead.
UAB test of the Eclipse System, published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, demonstrates success of first device to control fecal incontinence using a vaginal insert.
UAB Hospital is first in the United States to implant new Evaheart device as part of the US Pivotal Trial to test L-VAD for patients with severe congestive heart failure.
The mission of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses is to improve the health of women and newborns and strengthen the nursing profession.
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