Jeff Hansen

Jeff Hansen

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Research Editor | (205) 209-2355

Communicates UAB research discoveries and initiatives from across the university for a variety of audiences.

Specific beats: 

  • Alabama Drug Discovery Alliance
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics 
  • Biomatrix Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 
  • Cell biology 
  • Center for Biophysical Sciences and Engineering 
  • CCTS
  • Center for Metabolic Bone Disease 
  • Microbiology 
  • Neurobiology 
  • Comprehensive Neuroscience Center 
  • Pathology, research shared with MS2
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology 
  • Physiology and Biophysics 
  • UAB Research Foundation/IIE 
  • Research Administration
The pilot projects will yield payoffs down the road from the knowledge UAB researchers gain. Preliminary data from the pilots will form the basis for new grants and contracts, including pursuit of the $2 billion COVID-19 grant support being offered by the National Institutes of Health.
A study identifying biomarkers for certain neuroendocrine cancers demonstrates a novel approach for identifying and detecting tumor drivers, giving this diagnostic-therapeutic coupled system a broad translational potential.
The drug candidate is a non-toxic small molecule that given orally effectively rescued mice from models of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
This research offers fundamental insights about sensory thalamic subnetworks and will enable powerful new strategies to probe behavioral and perceptual functions of these distinct circuits.

AdCOVID stimulated both strong serum neutralizing activity and potent mucosal IgA immunity in the respiratory tract.

Two treatments given together before birth —  magnesium sulfate and corticosteroids — can improve outcomes in preterm children.

This work is a step forward in understanding early molecular changes that influence the development of addiction, and may have application to the role of similar gene programs that mediate other types of behavior, memory formation or neuropsychiatric disorders.

This study was done in mice and with a novel, tissue-engineered, three-dimensional breast cancer mimetic system.
This mouse study looked at a group of immune cells called innate-like B-1 B cells.
FASEB is the largest coalition of biological and biomedical research associations in the United States.
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