Displaying items by tag: department of art and art history

Sonja Rieger’s new series of photographs are portraits of young girls in rural Camden, Alabama, in their Halloween costumes.
The series will feature artists’ paint masters Art Graham and Mark Golden, as well as a creative professionalism roundtable with local creative professionals Merrilee Challiss, Elizabeth Hughey and Taylor Robinson.

“Hither and Yon” is a two-part exhibition and panel discussion featuring four artists, presented by The Fuel and Lumber Company in collaboration with the UAB Department of Art and Art History.

The free lecture “Spiritual Moderns: Twentieth Century American Artists and Issues of Religion” is sponsored in part by the UAB College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Art and Art History through the Jemison Visiting Professorship in the Humanities.
On offer are free recitals by students and faculty, guest artist performances and master classes, and a new art and music event, plus Gospel Choir and Christmas at the Alys concerts.
Each entry to the project will be exhibited at the UAB Department of Art and Art History’s Project Space from Oct. 19-24, with an opening reception from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20.
Sculptural objects, masks, puppets, performances and art installations created by Department of Art and Art History students will be shown in a one-night-only exhibition.
Photographs made in and about the South by students in the Department of Art and Art History will be on exhibition at the Shelby County Arts Council Gallery.
Seven Department of Art and Art History students drew silhouette portraits of each child and invited them to fill the silhouettes with color, then printed the final artwork onto canvas.
Ragland is the visual media and outreach coordinator for the Department of Art and Art History, where he also teaches photography.
Mixed-media, painting, photography, printmaking and ceramic works by Department of Art and Art History students will be on display at the Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts.
Students in the Department of Art and Art History’s Photography in the South course curated “Inherited Scars: A Meditation on the Southern Gothic,” from the Birmingham Museum of Art’s collection.
The Joint Program for the M.A. in Art History combines resources from each school to provide a stronger program. It offers the only graduate degree in art history in the state.
Two College of Arts and Sciences’ faculty and 24 students were honored with Gold and Silver ADDY awards for their individual and team projects
The College of Arts and Sciences’ AEIVA and Department of Art and Art History will present a free lecture by Jessica Angel in conjunction with the “Warhol: Fabricated” exhibition.
UAB, a founding member of the Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities, will send five people to study urban life at its collaborative national summit.
Join in a community sewing project to create large quilts that commemorate the 50th anniversary of the march from Selma to Montgomery.
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