Displaying items by tag: school of medicine

There is a lot of misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine, but health care experts at UAB provide the facts behind some of the most common myths.
This potential preventive treatment for Crohn’s disease was tested on a mouse model and on immune-reactive T cells from patients with Crohn’s disease.
Anindya Dutta, Ph.D., MBBS, will begin his role as chair at UAB on March 15, 2021.
The orthopaedic urgent care clinic should help reduce crowding in the emergency department and speed up visits to the hospital.
It’s been a tough year, but better times are coming. Physicians, psychologists and wellness experts at the UAB School of Medicine have some thoughts on how to manage the stress of 2020.
As the first FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine begins to be administered, many Americans still have questions. UAB has you covered.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is an opportunistic pathogen that commonly infects young children and the elderly. This atlas will help researchers better understand how to treat these infections.
During the global pandemic, UAB may look a little different, but it continues to educate students and serve the community through its health care, research and programs.
Meier-Gorlin syndrome is a rare genetic developmental disorder that causes dwarfism, small ears, a small brain, missing patella and other skeletal abnormalities.
LITT surgery, using heat generated by a laser, offers less side effects and a shorter hospital stay compared to traditional epilepsy surgery.
To date, RPB has awarded UAB $5,245,000 in grants, which helped bolster the department’s research activities, including the purchase of equipment, lab supplies, and salaries for new and existing research faculty.
The study examined trends in mortality due to chronic lower respiratory disease and investigated disparities in deaths due to CLRD between rural and urban areas across the United States.
A study conducted by UAB investigators has outlined that deaths due to mitral regurgitation are increasing in the United States since 2012, after a continuous decline for 14 years.
The holidays are typically a time of low blood supply, a situation worsened this year by the pandemic.
Students at UAB are helping with contact tracing by letting people in Alabama know if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
CCT has added a fourth ambulance to its fleet, and its new offices feature increased space and improved overnight accommodations for on-call staff.
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