Displaying items by tag: summer

Spending time outdoors may seem as sweet as honey, but a UAB pediatrician says sting allergies can bee a real buzzkill if you are not careful.

Jennifer Summerlin, Ph.D.

Pedagogy • Children's literature and reading • Developmental reading • Best practices in literacy • Dyslexia intervention

Keep kids moving this summer to combat obesity and improve concentration, memory and behavior.
Adam Gordon, O.D., explains how to find the best eye protection for the bright days of summer.
Cyclists should know the rules of the road and prepare before leaving home.
These three activities will get children thinking about science and math while having fun.
Summer camps can provide entertainment and many benefits for children.
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Candice Dye, M.D.

Water safety and children • Traveling with children • Infant safe sleep

Keeping children safe as temperatures rise should be top-of-mind this summer, says one UAB pediatrician.

Tyler Hall, M.D.

Cataracts • Eye safety • Eye injuries

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Andrew D. Pucker, O.D., Ph.D., gives tips on safe use of contact lenses, including advice on travel, swimming and UV rays.
With both Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme disease increasing in recent years, UAB wilderness medicine physician says it’s important to dress properly and to perform tick checks after woodland excursions.
There are snakes out there. A UAB emergency physician and a biologist tell you what you need to know about coping with snakes and snakebite.
nycu graphic 2A UAB engineer provides information about the risks and prevention methods associated with electric shock drowning in fresh bodies of water.
One of the most common types of cancer is skin cancer. A UAB dermatologist shares background information, risks and how to protect your skin.
Tempers will flare and the threat of violence is often not far behind as temperatures rise, says a UAB psychologist.
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Experts take an in-depth look into a favorite college pastime by understanding the dangers and risks of alcohol.
Three million cases of skin cancer could be prevented annually by avoiding ultraviolet light. UAB experts share how to pick out the proper UV-protection and use it effectively.
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