With news about UAB’s first peer-reviewed, published transplant of genetically modified pig kidneys into a brain-dead human individual, there are many questions about what this means for the future of transplant and how this will save countless lives moving forward.
The program will prepare Xavier’s promising students with a solid foundation for dental school.
Throughout 2020, the decline in pediatric emergency department visits among Black and public or self-insured patients was consistently larger than other demographics.
UAB physicians are working on the next steps to begin compassionate or emergency use of the pig kidneys in living humans. Two major approvals will be required.
Megan Hays, Ph.D., provides tips on how to overcome burnout.
Pianists from around the United States will return from graduate school studies to perform on the UAB Department of Music’s Hamburg Steinway D 9-foot grand piano, in celebration of Distinguished Professor of Piano Yakov Kasman’s 55th birthday.
Heart-healthy recipes have numerous other health benefits as well, such as strengthening gastrointestinal health and lowering blood-sugar and cholesterol levels.
Chris Botti has amassed spectacular honors over two decades, including enough gold and platinum albums to become the nation’s largest-selling instrumental artist. His latest album, “Impressions,” won the Grammy Award for Best Pop Instrumental Album.
Heffron will assume the role of director July 1, 2022.
Cameron Johnson and John Richardson are among five students in the state who were honored; they were recognized for their original compositions “After the Dust Has Settled” and “Cyber Megatropolis,” respectively.
UAB School of Nursing professor receives $2.3 million to implement and study nurse resiliency programs as the coronavirus pandemic continues.
The VIVA HEALTH Gala is a fundraiser benefiting UAB’s Alys Stephens Center, Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts, ArtPlay and Arts in Medicine. 
Join UAB’s Kecia Thomas, Ph.D., for a conversation centered on women and marginalized individuals in academia and STEM-related fields.
In response to a viral infection, intrinsic IL-2 production by effector CD8 T cells affects IL-2 signaling, leading to different fates for two subsets of those cells — the one producing IL-2 and the one not producing IL-2.
In the U.S., chocolate consumption exceeds 12 pounds per person, per year.
UAB infectious diseases expert will discuss mask fit, filtration and effectiveness during the coronavirus pandemic in a free webinar Feb. 17 from noon-1 p.m.
This is the first time eye care will be provided on-site at the 1917 Clinic.
Business and supplemental accounting programs in the Collat School of Business were reaccredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International, putting UAB in the 1 percent of schools internationally to have both accreditations.
The first annual Alabama High School Ethics Bowl connected 30 local students with the opportunity to have debates on moral issues.