Displaying items by tag: department of surgery

Jim Parsons, an Alabamian and registered organ donor, helped further donation and xenotransplant when his family donated his body upon death for a groundbreaking scientific study conducted at UAB earlier this year.
The study, an exception from informed consent trial, will compare whole blood to blood components in the treatment of traumatic injuries.
Social media has been a useful tool to inform a community about research studies that are exempt from informed consent protocols.
The study seeks to determine whether prothrombin complex concentrate, a blood-clotting agent, could help save the lives of patients at risk for severe bleeding after injury.
The deciphering of a new signaling cascade sheds light on how mutations in metabolism cause normal cells to become cancerous.
UAB Medicine’s new surgery clinic in Winfield is part of the new relationship with Northwest Regional Health.
UAB Hospital re-verified as a Level I Trauma Center, marking 23 years of holding that designation.
Hanaway is honored to receive the professorship that was established in honor of Martha Tankersley and her transformative commitment as the transplant administrator for UAB Medicine.
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