Displaying items by tag: division of cardiovascular disease

Heart-healthy recipes have numerous other health benefits as well, such as strengthening gastrointestinal health and lowering blood-sugar and cholesterol levels.
Consortium led by UAB researchers in the UAB Heersink School of Medicine and School of Public Health received additional funding to further study chronic hypertension and preeclampsia epigenetics participants enrolled in the CHAP trial.
The Cardiogenomics Clinic uses a patient’s genetic history to help develop a personalized treatment plan based on their genetic results.
For those who had COVID-19, lingering heart problems can complicate their recovery. UAB experts address common concerns that people have with their heart health after COVID-19.

UAB Hospital practice areas were honored with the “Best Hospital” designation, including patient experience, bariatric surgery, obstetrics, minimally invasive surgery, stroke care, cancer care, breast care and women’s services.

Diane Bishop creates care packages for other aortic patients to equip them with the supplies they need to take control of their health.

Kirklin received this award for his dedication to advancing the science and treatment of children through the journey of heart transplantation.

UAB is one of only six centers in the world with this technology, which enables 3D device visualization using light to guide navigation of wires and catheters through blood vessels.
A study conducted by UAB researchers found that using genetic information for choosing medical treatment after getting a heart stent reduces the risk of potentially fatal cardiovascular events.
This commercial procedure is the first in the United States that uses first-of-its-kind ablation technology.

After waiting more than two years, Colin Tucker received a new heart thanks to UAB’s new organ transplant program that uses hepatitis C-positive organs. 

The book addresses the recognition and management of heart attack, heart failure, arrhythmia, valvular heart disease, cardiac transplantation, broken heart syndrome, hypertension and the depression experienced after a heart attack.
A study conducted by UAB researchers found that insulin resistance, a precursor to fatal cardiovascular events, is common among young adults.
The John B. Barnwell Award for outstanding achievement in clinical science research is the highest honor of the VA’s Clinical Science Research and Development Service.
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