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UAB’s Department of Dermatology shares tips for keeping your skin hydrated during the winter months.
nycu graphic 2Data suggest the United States could have a worse than average flu season. Flu season typically lasts from early October to February, but UAB experts say it is never too late to get vaccinated.
nycu graphic 2Do-it-yourself braces and how-to videos on the internet have grown in popularity, but experts say there are dangers in avoiding trained orthodontic professionals.
nycu graphic 2Physicians at UAB share tips on men’s health and how it affects heart health, sexual function and memory and decreases cancer risk.
It is easy to remember steps to prevent the body from getting cold, but what can be done to protect the eyes when cold weather hits?
Fall allergies have symptoms similar to the flu, but treatment varies drastically
nycu graphic 2Toy overload is real. UAB experts have tips on how to give experiences that can engage, inspire and create lasting memories.
nycu graphic 2Surgeon at UAB believes in making breast cancer awareness an issue year-round to help save lives through early detection.
Following a few simple guidelines can help make Halloween fun, not scary, for teens and kids.
nycu graphic 2A UAB Infectious Diseases physician discusses bacteria found in food-borne illnesses and why you should wash your hands.
Comprehensive eye exams can detect a variety of eye conditions that, left untreated in a child, could result in partial or complete loss of vision later in life.
UAB Institute for Human Rights Director Tina Kempin Reuter provides practical tips for confronting hate and violence.
Andrew D. Pucker, O.D., Ph.D., gives tips on safe use of contact lenses, including advice on travel, swimming and UV rays.
With kids using new technology every day, many parents are forced to keep up or get left behind.
nycu graphic 2A UAB optometrist and ophthalmologist provide advice on how to protect your eyes while viewing the solar eclipse.
Parents who listen to their children’s interests could help them be more successful and well-rounded in their extracurricular activities.
Even if you’ve previously rejected vaccinating your children or have neglected to do so, UAB physicians say it’s not too late to protect them against many preventable diseases.
With both Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme disease increasing in recent years, UAB wilderness medicine physician says it’s important to dress properly and to perform tick checks after woodland excursions.
UAB cybersecurity expert Gary Warner says, as businesses work to better protect sensitive customer information, consumers should still be proactive when making purchases.
There are snakes out there. A UAB emergency physician and a biologist tell you what you need to know about coping with snakes and snakebite.
The average American consumes nearly 2,000 mg a day over most adults’ ideal amount of sodium intake, excluding salt added at the table. Sodium found in restaurant, pre-packaged and processed foods, and foods like canned vegetables can increase heart disease and stroke risk, among others.
One of the most common types of cancer is skin cancer. A UAB dermatologist shares background information, risks and how to protect your skin.
Robin Parks Ennis, Ph.D., assistant professor and behavioral interventions and supports researcher, explains how a popular toy can be beneficial with proper management.
nycu graphic 2Professor says reverse mortgages are best considered by seniors who are “equity rich and cash poor” and plan to live in their current home for a long time.
Knowing the signs of becoming drowsy behind the wheel, many of which are similar to distracted and drunk driving, could potentially be lifesaving.
were with youMore than 1 million married women ages 15-44 across the United States are infertile. Janet McLaren Bouknight, M.D., offers insight on the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of infertile couples trying to conceive.
were with youA UAB OB/GYN discusses when and why an adolescent female should see a gynecologist.
A heart attack can happen even if to those who are relatively young and fit, and genetics can play a role.

A UAB physician provides tips for traveling with infants. 

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading global cause of death. These foods can promote cardiovascular health.
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