Do you know the warning signs of sepsis? Most Americans don’t … and they should.
Wellness and healing for RNICU moms comes in many forms, including sewing Halloween costumes for their infants through UAB’s Institute for Arts in Medicine program.
Data suggest the United States could have a worse than average flu season. Flu season typically lasts from early October to February, but UAB experts say it is never too late to get vaccinated.
UAB gets a CDC grant to set up a sentinel surveillance system to track an antibiotic resistant infectious agent responsible for many cases of pneumonia.
UAB will examine cognitive behavior therapy, a form of psychotherapy, that may help reduce the severity of non-epileptic seizures induced by traumatic brain injury.
New research from UAB shows that maintaining healthy dendritic spines — a component of neurons — may be protective against Alzheimer’s disease.
UAB Hospital houses a 21-bed cardiac care unit specializing in procedures such as heart transplants and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation.
Infectious diseases professor at UAB will collaborate with researchers, policy experts and clinicians from across the country to provide nonpartisan, evidence-based guidance.
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