The iKnife, a revolutionary mass spectrometry method, contributes to precision surgery by allowing accurate identification of cancer margins.
A pilot grant was recently awarded to UAB to investigate a noninvasive method of detecting neuroinflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.
The NIH recently awarded UAB $11.5 million to support studies that will assess treatment of babies born with congenital cytomegalovirus but no symptoms, and frequency of neonatal herpes infections in the United States and Peru.
Three multidisciplinary research teams have been awarded funding through the competitive grant process.
Lisa Meeks, Ph.D., director of Medical Student Disability Services at the UCSF School of Medicine, will discuss the prevalence of students with disabilities, balancing patient safety and reasonable accommodations.
Effective Aug. 1, John Woods, M.D., Lanita Carter, Ph.D., and Shawn Galin, Ph.D., will guide the admissions process through the duration of a national search to secure a new associate dean for admissions.
Created by four medical students in January, Detour works with Medical Student Services to provide academic and emotional support to struggling students.
Ben Vaughan Branscomb, M.D., a pioneering pulmonologist and professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham for 51 years, passed away July 4. Branscomb, 92, was often referred to as the father of pulmonary medicine.
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