Displaying items by tag: research
Researchers found differences in polymerase chains thought to be similar, potentially opening new pathways toward cancer drug development.
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Molecular events that form such “reward memories” appear to differ from those created by drug addiction, despite the popular theory that addiction hijacks normal reward pathways.
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Discovery leads researchers to redouble efforts to design a new class of drugs to treat diabetes.
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Researchers show long-term efficacy of the first FDA approved drug for vasculitis.
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A higher urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio is associated with greater risk of incident but not recurrent coronary heart disease in blacks compared with whites in a new study.
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Can smell tests reveal brain changes that are precursors to Parkinson's? Research podcast with David Standaert, M.D., Ph.D.
Investigators at UAB and colleagues at other universities have launched a study of a new, low-strength magnetic field as a potential therapy for depression.
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Four researchers, three from UAB and one from Louisiana State University, have been awarded pilot project awards to study the social determinants of obesity and related chronic diseases in the South.
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A joint project of the School of Medicine at UAB and the University of Minnesota Medical School will create the National Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center for African-American Men’s Health.
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The American Cancer Society is conducting the Cancer Prevention Study-3; enrollment is coming to UAB this fall.
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