Displaying items by tag: Department of Neurobiology

Graduate Biomedical Sciences (GBS) at UAB recently welcomed its new class of GBS students pursuing their Ph.D. across eight interdisciplinary training themes. The GBS Doctoral Training Program provides interdisciplinary education and mentorship while allowing GBS trainees to perform doctoral research in more than 350 labs across campus.
Camerron Crowder, Ph.D., assistant professor in the UAB Department of Neurobiology and assistant director of the Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute (PMI), offers a unique research opportunity for undergraduate students by teaching the PMI research process, how to develop animal models, and the use of artificial intelligence to identify treatment options through courses in the Undergraduate Neuroscience Program.
Kirstie Cummings, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Neurobiology, was recently honored with the Heersink School of Medicine's Featured Discovery Award. She was recognized alongside Zephyr R. Desa, a UAB neuroscience Ph.D. student, and Rodrigo Campos-Cardoso, Ph.D., a UAB postdoc, the study’s first authors. The initiative highlights significant research contributions from Heersink faculty members.
Lara Ianov, Ph.D., assistant professor and managing director of UAB's Biological Data Science Core (U-BDS), is playing a crucial role in pushing the boundaries of research at UAB.
The Department of Neurobiology invites the UAB community to attend the inaugural Robin Lester Memorial Lecture on Sept. 26 to hear a presentation from special guest David Linden, Ph.D., professor of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Heersink School of Medicine introduced four new research focus areas in 2022. Of these focus areas, Brain Health and Disease Across the Lifespan aims to improve understanding of brain development, aging, health, and disease.

Cristin Gavin, Ph.D., serves as associate dean for undergraduate biomedical programs for the UAB Heersink School of Medicine. In this role, she has fostered thriving opportunities for UAB students, many of whom matriculate into medical schools, through the programs she oversees.
Blazer BRAIN is an eight-week undergraduate summer program that offers students an opportunity to conduct research and participate in an intensive professional development program as they work towards earning their Ph.D. in neuroscience.
Research in Focus is a series that highlights Neurobiology faculty members’ papers in peer-reviewed journals.
The Department of Neurobiology is hosting two yearlong seminar series designed to foster community and advance knowledge within the field.
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