Sarah Nealy and Georgia Haggard have been named 2020 Goldwater Scholars for continuing paths in the field of STEM.

Combating the spread of misinformation about COVID-19 and alleviating the anxiety of your child can be difficult. Here are some tips on how to do it.
UAB political science experts provide details on stimulus checks and advice on how to use them during the public health crisis.
UAB is accepting specific PPE donations in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Stress is unavoidable in this uncertain time. But as Professor Diane Tucker, Ph.D., explains, you can take control — and make the most of this historic opportunity.

Kecia M. Thomas will join UAB as the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The testing at UAB will investigate immune responses to the vaccine in mice — an important step before any Phase 1 human safety trial in patients later this year.
Emotional intelligence is the top trait of effective leaders. UAB leadership expert Jean Ann Larson, Ed.D., explains how to take control, whether you are managing colleagues or your kids' fears.
Learn how to continue your kids’ education and to successfully teach from home with these helpful tips.
Follow the recommended guidelines for filling out the 2020 Census form to better protect yourself from cyberphishing attacks, plus other details you should know.
Social distancing can be tough. A UAB clinical psychologist has some pointers for good mental health.
Support COVID-19 research, patient care and relief; help provide emergency aid to students; or give to the Benevolent Fund as it continues to assist employees in need.
Food delivery has been recommended as a simple way to maintain social-distancing practices and poses little risk for contamination or transmission.
UAB expert Samisksha Raut, Ph.D., explains the importance of keeping kids away from playgrounds and from touching various toys and sports equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine.

The nation’s blood supply will be in jeopardy as long as normal donation patterns are disrupted by coronavirus concerns.

UAB is playing a key role in the effort to expedite clinical trials to combat COVID-19.

Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D., visited UAB just as COVID-19 appeared near the NIH.

How can you stay healthy during a pandemic?
America is facing an extreme blood shortage, and UAB, along with national authorities, are urging people who are healthy to give blood.
Jeffrey W. Holmes will join UAB as the seventh dean of the School of Engineering.