UAB’s Seth Landefeld joins the Board of Directors of the American Board of Internal Medicine.
The Alabama Genomic Health Initiative has begun full scale recruitment of interested participants at two sites in Birmingham.
A UAB obstetric surgeon will lend her skills to African women by treating obstetric fistula, a common complication of childbirth in the developing world that causes incontinence.
This novel method improves purification of complex proteins by 10- to 500-fold, and it may aid both research and large-scale industrial production.
A UAB pain specialist says the opioid epidemic will lead to profound changes in legitimate opioid use for pain management.
UAB is the only institution in Alabama chosen to date to participate in the TAPUR Study to help further understand targeted therapies in patients with advanced cancers.
Leading neuroscientist Ron Lazar joins UAB as director of the McKnight Brain Institute, a multidisciplinary research enterprise on learning and memory in aging.
Anezi Uzendu, M.D., has touched the hearts of many patients and colleagues in his time at UAB; but now that reach is bigger than ever, after his own heart failed him.
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